Chapter 6

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The next day of school sucked. I barely got six hours of sleep and I had to take two tests in my first two classes. Plus, Michael didn't show up today so I couldn't walk home with him.

"Do you know why Michael didn't come to school today?" I shut my locker and turned to Bradley, who was cramming for a quiz.

Things between me and Bradley were awkward after what happened at his house yesterday. I felt uncomfortable around him and I could tell he felt different about me.

"Uh no he probably just ditched," he said, not paying much attention.

"Yeah but he would usually text me to tell me that he's not walking home," I felt uneasy for some reason. Michael always had his phone yet he hadn't answered any of the three texts I sent him.

"He's probably still sleeping honestly," Bradley said, staring down at his notes.

"But he knows if he keeps missing school he's gonna fail."

He was already missing more days then he was supposed to and he was failing 3 classes. The finals were his only hope to graduate on time and they were coming in a couple weeks.

"If he doesn't care, then I don't care," Bradley said, getting annoyed. He hadn't looked up from his notes once.

"Well you should," I turned to walk towards my next class.

"Woah, hey is something wrong?" Bradley asked, finally closing his notebook and grabbing my arm.

"No I'm fine, todays just been a rough day," I didn't want to admit that I was worrying about Michael.

"Ya know, we never really talked about what happened yesterday," he said, gripping my arm.

"Ow Bradley that hurts." It didn't hurt that bad, I just really wanted him to let go so I could get away and go to class.

"What happened yesterday? Do you not want to be with me?" He asked, still not letting go of my arm.

"No it's not that, I just...Didn't think it was the right time," I stuttered.

I tried to pull out of his grasp and this time he let go.

"We're gonna have to have a talk about....Us." He started, looking at me like I was some kid that he had to reprimand. Suddenly I felt really small.

"I mean....I have needs, I just want to know that you're down for being in a relationship with me."

"I'm just not ready for....I mean i'll be ready eventually just not now." I said, unsure of what he wanted me to say. I mean we had only been together for a month. I mean yeah he was Bradley Walker, but I didn't really know what that meant to me anymore.

I must have looked really upset because he looked down at me like I was a wounded animal.

"Hey it's okay, I don't want to pressure you or anything like that. I just like you a lot and want to be with you, if you're not ready then I understand." He smiled and I gave him a small smile back before turning around to leave.

"I'll see you later."

When school finally ended, I went home with Bradley. I texted Michael one more time when school got out, but he still never answered. Then I texted Callie to ask if her and Luke could find out where Michael was, so I could finally stop worrying about the kid and try to enjoy my Friday with Bradley.

We ended up watching a couple movies snuggled up on Bradley's couch, our previous conversation still playing in the back of my mind making me feel very self conscious.

I kept wanting to check my phone to see if Luke heard from Michael, or better yet if Michael finally came out of hiding, but it died. Bradley doesn't have an iphone so I couldn't use his charger.

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