Chapter 7

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It's Friday night and while most upperclassmen were out partying and living it up we were all crammed in Bradley's basement studying for finals, which started on Monday.

Over the last couple of weeks, we had all been getting together to study and for the most part we got a lot done. Michael and Bradley had more pressure on them because they needed to pass these finals in order to graduate. Well more so Michael, Bradley was going to graduate regardless. Luke was a junior like me, Callie and Sam, so graduation wasn't on the line for him either.

Ever since the night Michael told me about his family, we've gotten a lot closer. I can honestly call him a best friend. Callie and Sam have gotten a lot closer to Michael too, which made me happy. I wanted them to like Michael, he was such a great person.

He's clever, sarcastic, witty, and he makes me laugh more than anyone i've ever known. He's a great person and a great friend, always putting everyone else in front of himself. He was extremely talented, brave, caring; the list could go on.

What I didn't realize until over these past couple weeks, is how genuine and sweet he really is. He would do anything to stick up for me and that made me feel very safe with him, like I could be 100% myself.

Lately, Bradley had been getting annoyed with me over the smallest things. I felt like no matter what I did, it was wrong. We've been dating for about four months now so I guess he was starting to get more comfortable. My mom always told me that you'll see a boys true colors after the first couple months into a relationship when they feel like they no longer need to win you over. I was hoping these weren't Bradley's true colors.

I had been feeling down about Bradley, and Michael was there for me every day that I needed him. We had an unspoken agreement to always have eachothers backs.

A couple days ago, Bradley came up to me after school while I was waiting for Michael.

"Last night you told me you weren't feeling good so you couldn't come over, but at lunch today Luke tells me you were with Callie," Bradley practically yelled, walking towards me.

"Well hello to you too," I said, taken back by him appearing what seemed to be out of nowhere.

"If you were feeling so bad, then why could you go to Callie's house?" he asked, totally ignoring my attempt to lighten the mood.

I know Luke didn't mean any harm by telling Bradley I went to Callie's house, he had no idea Bradley wasn't supposed to know.

"Me and Callie are partners for a History project so I had to go over there and work on it," I shrugged, trying not to let him see through my lie. To be honest, me and Callie just wanted to hang out. We both missed each other and wanted to catch up without the boys.

If I told Bradley that then he would've been even more pissed.

"If it was for a project then you would've just told me," he glared down at me. I saw Michael walking up behind him, his hair was a newly dyed shade of lavender.

"I didn't want you to think I was picking Callie over you," I said, not meeting his glare.

"Callie didn't do that to Luke, she just told him the truth," he said rolling his eyes.

Yeah because when Callie told Luke she wanted to see me he was understanding and he didn't blow up on her, unlike someone else I know.

"It's not that I didn't want to come over, I just miss Callie and I wanted to see her!" I said throwing my hands up.

"So you weren't working on a project," he said as a statement, rather than a question.

"No okay I just wanted to see Callie, I miss her." I saw Michael standing behind Bradley, not wanting to butt in.

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