Chapter Three

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*Harry P.O.V.*

When I went shopping with Hermione and Ginny, they forced me to get a dress. Ron was not happy about that.

After shopping, Hermione went back to the Burrow with us and her parents went home.

We went to Ron's room and Hermione said, "What did Draco say to you, Harry?"

"He said 'Good because you're mine now beautiful'," I quoted.

"He called you beautiful?" Ron asked incredulously.

"What, you don't think I'm beautiful?" I said.

"It's not that - but why would he call you beautiful?" Ron said.

"I think he is just messing with you Harry," Hermione said.

"That's probably it. I mean he hates us, why would he do such a thing?" I said wishing it was not that "Though I think there is something different about him," I added thinking about Knockturn Alley.

"Yes, there was. Besides the fact that he was flirting with you." Ron said and Hermione nodded.

"I wonder what?" Hermione asked.

"Well, we shouldn't worry. It is only Malfoy after all. Tomorrow we need to get to Hogwarts, let's go to bed." I reminded them.

The next day we woke up and did all the last minute stuff. We then went to the car and through the barrier to platform 9 3/4.

I'm going home! I thought. We then found a compartment and sat down with Ginny.

"So, Harry, are you going to let the whole school know that you're....y'know?" Ginny asked.

I shrugged and said, "I'll at least let the Gryffindors know. Malfoy might spread it around."

They nodded and Ron said, "I think that if Malfoy would want to spread anything around, it would be that you are a genderfluid and cross-dress."

I nodded and Hermione got up saying, "I'll be back." And walked out.

*Hermione's P.O.V.*

I went to the loo and when I was done, I saw Malfoy. He turned around and said, "Granger may we talk?"

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