Chapter sixy two

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Harry p.o.v

The next day, we woke up in a tent, barely big enough to fit us. I looked around and noticed that hermione and Pansy are not in the tent, I sat up and went outside, letting Draco sleep. "Morning harry." The girls said. 

"Morning." I replied.

I sat down and noticed that they're making breakfast. "Did you sleep well, Harry?" Pansy asked. 

"Yeah. I don't think I'll have any trouble as long as I have Draco." I answerd and felt Draco hug me from behind. 

"Love you, too ,Harry." He said and kissed my neck.
We sat down and Draco pulled me to sit between his legs. I cuddled up to him as Ron and Blaise came over. "Morning." We said.
"Morning. I wish we had a bigger tent. Or our own." Ron said.
Blais nodded in agreement.
"Why? So you can have sex?" Hermione asked.
They blushed and Ron said, "n-no. So we can have more room."
"We dont just think about sex." Blaise added.
The girls laughed and I said, "I wish we had a change of cloths."
Hermione got up and grabbed some cloths from her bag. She tossed them to us and said, "I may not have more tents but. I do have cloths. We got up and got dressed separately. We then sat back down and began eating.
"Hermione you are the most amazing friend." Ron said.
Hermione smiled and said, "thank you Ron but Pansy did help."
"Thanks pans." Ron said.
We all thanked the girls and finished our breakfast.

After we continued to make plans. "We have one and one was destroyed. So now what. How do we even destroy one?" Ron said thoughtfully.
"Only illegals cursed and poison." Hermione replied.
I leaked against Draco who cuddled me and ran his fingers through my hair.

That night we slept restlessly. Draco tried to distract me with kisses. Then he finally stood up and said, "come one Harry."
I tiredly got up and fallowed. We walked through the woods me and him holding hands. "I love you." He said.
I smiled and said, "love you to." We then came to a nice lake. The sun has began to rise making the lake look stunning.
Me and draco sat near the lake watching the sunrise. When it finished we got up and walked back.
"How did you know that was there?" I asked.
"I did not. Just a lucky caunsidence." Draco said shrugging.

Draco p.o.v
Me and harry went back to the camp hand in hand. When we got there pansy and Hermione turned to us. "Did you two go and have sex in the woods?" Hermione asked.
"No! What would make you think we would do such a thing!" I ask offended.
"You are horny boys. I can only imagine what you two would do!" Hermione replied.
"Actually I feel like a girl today." Harry said.
"Well take your food princess and eat." Pansy said shoving food into our hands.
We sat down and began eating. Blaise and Ron joining us both with hickys on there necks. "Really!? I swear men are just horny basterds." Pansy said shoving food into there hands
"Not our fault!" Ron said shoving food into his mouth.
I rolled my eyes and said, "if you decide to actually do it don't do it in the tent."
That glared at me and continued eating.

After we began to pack up deciding to move. "Were are we going? Harry asked.
"Just walking. We should not stay in one place to long." Hermione said as we began walking.
Harry sighed and began rubbing his forehead. "You okay?" I asked him rubbing his back.
"Yah. Just hurts." Harry replied.
I kissed his cheek and we continued to walk.

Once we found a new spot we stopped and began making dinner. Me and harry rested against a tree and he cuddled to me his head against my chest.
I held him to me and said, "you sire your okay?"
"Mmhm." He replied and fell asleep.
I smiled and ran my fingers through his hair. "Love you." I said.
The girls looked over to us and grinned. As Ron and blaise sat against another tree talking.
I just looked back down at my Harry and kissed the top of his head.

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