Chapter sixty seven

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Harry p.o.v

I woke with Draco in our dorm room. As much as I love to be back at home with Draco I missed hogwarts. I cuddled up to draco enjoying his warmth. But Draco then shifted and looked down at me. "Morning harry." Draco said stretching and yawning.
"Morning Draco." I said getting up.
We both got dressed then walked out of the room. Hermione and Pansy are waiting in the common room for us. We decided to sit and wait with them. A few minutes later Ron and Blaise came down both seeming a little tired.
"Now that we are all here let's go eat." Pansy said.

We decided to sit at the griffendor table and as usual no one paid any attention to us. We ate drank and talked as though every thing is normal. Ginny and Nevill are still together and every one loves him now that he killed Voldimort.
"He is almost as Famous as you Harry." Ron said smiling.
"Yep. It w as all in the papers about how he killed Voldimort. But it don't matter, it's nice that some one can take the fame for once." I said smiling over at the couple.
"You are still famous Harry. We got the horcrox and did rally every one together to help fight." Draco said and kissed my cheek.
"Yes well you all helped. I don't know we're I'd be without you all." I said and kissed Draco.
"We probable would have all been dead because of Quill." Hermione said, we of course agreed with her.
"And if not him the basilisk." Ron added.
"And if not that Harry will be dead in a graveyard Voldimort would have cane here that year and tooken over." Draco said.
We agreed with that also.
"So is all thanks to you guys as well." I said happy I have the best boy freind and the most greatest freinds.
"See harry you do need us." Ron said.
"I think I would have done fine with just Hermione and Draco. you I probably could have done without." I said joking.
"Who won at the chess game?" Ron said offered.
"I'm joking Ron. Don't get your panties in a twist." I said.
"I think your the only one that wears panties here." Ron said,
Both Pansy and Hermione glared at Ron and Pansy said. "Um hello. Me and Hermione."
"Oh right sorry. Harry your the only male that does here." Ron said.
"Well it's hot." Draco said looking at me lustfully making me blush.
Our freinds rolled there eyes and we continued to eat.

Once we finished we went to our next class wich saddly is not with slythren.

Draco p.o.v

I missed Harry through the day. We had no classes with him wich sucked. I just really wish I can spend more time with him. It'll be really nice once we are married in live in the same house and have kids.
"Draco pay attention." Pansy said to me sharply.
I glared at her and continued to pay attention to the teacher.
I don't even know what class I'm in our what's going on. So I went back to day dreaming about Harry.

At lunch I saw him again and we sat with the slythren. I pulled him into my lap and we ate.

Once once lunch was over with we went back. And I still had no Harry. 

After classes we went to out new shared common room. We sat on the couches our significant others cuddling. Harry is on my lap, Blaise and Ron are just sitting real close. Same as Pansy and Hermione.
Hermione and Pansy is doing there home work telling us that we should do the same. But. We just really don't want to. I just want my Harry. So me and him got up and went to our room for some much needed cuddling time.

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