Chapter Twenty

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*Harry's P.O.V.*

We all drew wands and I said, "why did you attack Ron, you traitor." 

"Harry you look so much like your father. Though you do have your mother's eyes." He said.

Snape came in and tried to attack so I knocked him out. I ignored Ron Hermione and Draco yelling at me and said, "if you don't start explaining you will be worse off then him." And I'm quite sure Draco said I'm hot. 

Then Remus came in, Ron's rat turned into a human, and I got confused. 

So we deemed Sirius innocent. Remus and Sirius are helping Snape out and Draco and I are helping Ron out as Hermione keeps Wormtail in line. 

When we got out of the tunnel it's night and Crookshanks is still keeping the tree at bay. 

Draco growled and dropped Ron as Remus turned into a wolf. Sirius tried to make him calm but it did not work. So Draco attacked him. Then howling started and Remus went to it. Wormtail changed so Sirius chased him. I followed telling Draco and Hermione to take Ron to the hospital wing. 

We came to a nice lake. Sirius is passed out and dementors are closing in. I ran up trying to save him but I passed out on my own. I'm quite sure I saw my dad.

I woke up in the hospital wing Draco fussing over me. "What happened to Sirius?" I asked.

"Um. He was locked in a tower." Hermione said.

Dumbledore came in and was hinting to saving him. Then he walked out locking the door. "I know what we need to do. You know how I have been every weird lately." She asked and we nodded. "Well, that is because of this." She said holding an hourglass thing.

"A time turner," Draco said.

"Yes. Well, I could go back with one other person and save Sirius and Buckbeak." Hermione said.
Draco and I both said we will go. But I convinced Draco to let me go. Hermione put the thing around our necks then we time traveled.

*Draco's P.O.V.*

They both disappeared and I immediately missed them. But then not even a second later they both burst through the doors dirty and tired out. Ron got all confused and fainted. 

I smiled and said, "you okay Harry? Come on Harry you need to take a bath then we can get something to eat. You should also take a nice nap. Then eventually you can tell me everything that has happened."

It's the last day of school and I can't wait until it's the summer. Right now Harry is talking to Sirius and I'm writing a note to my father asking if he can make Sirius a free man now. 

When I finished and sent it off Harry came over and said, "you know we will be seeing them soon." 

"Actually my mother will be getting us. By the way, you know the Weasleys have custody over you." I said.

"Yes but I'm staying half the summer with you then I'm going to them," I said. 

"Okay. Well, it's time to go let's get our stuff." He said. 

We went grabbed our stuff and got into the train.

"Can't believe Remus quit," Ron said. 

"Well, he said it's cause he is a werewolf and it's not the same as being a vampire," Harry said cuddling into me. 

"I'm sure we will have a fine teacher next year," Ron said. 

"Don't jinx it, Ron," Hermione said hitting him. 

Blaise and Pansy came in and Blaise I noticed started flirting with Ron. I almost laughed and Harry looked at me strangely. "Blaise is flirting with Ron," I whispered. 

Harry nodded and we finally pulled into the station. We got out and went home.

Sorry for the short chapter.
Next one will be the beginning of the goblet of fire.

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