Chapter Twenty-three

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*Harry's P.O.V.*

Draco dragged me out like dementors are following us. "Draco what's the rush?" I asked slowing us down. 

"I don't like Mad-Eye. There is something strange about him. And he smells weird." He complained.

"That's what you said about Remus but he was good," I replied.

"Harry please listen. I don't think Mad-Eye is a good person. Plus no teacher should show students those curses." Draco said.

"Oh come on Draco, Dumbledore trusts him so we should too. Do you really think Dumbledore would put us in harm's way?" I said.

"Not intentionally! Harry please I just want what's best for you," he pleaded.

I was about to say something but our friends showed up.

"Why did you two run off? We should get going so stop snogging." Ron said and began pulling us to our next class.

"What do you all think about Mad-Eye?" Draco asked.

"He seems well. Mad." Hermione said.

"Yes, he is strange. And he would be sent to Azkaban if the Ministry finds out about those curses." Pansy said.

"Draco thinks we should not trust him," I said. 

"I'm sure he is fine. Just has a few screws loose." Hermione said.

"Well, I still don't like him. He smells weird." Draco said.

"Smells weird?" Ron asked.

"Yes. Like rotting garbage." Draco replied.

"And what does Remus smell like?" Hermione asked.

"Like wet dog," Draco answered. 

"Okay. Well. We will keep an eye out and until he gives us a reason not to trust him we will trust him." Pansy decided.

After classes, we are still debating about Mad-Eye. Currently, we are doing so in the Gryffindor common room.

"So how about we have a change of discussion. What do you all think about the Beuxbaton girls?" Ron said.

"What about them?" I asked.

"Well, they're hot and gorgeous," Ron replied and went into a daydream.

"Ron, spider!" I yelled.

He jumped up screeching, "where is it!?" 

"There is no spider," I replied, sniggering. 

He glared at me and sat down.

"Well, what about the Durmstrang? What do you think of them?" Ron said to change the topic.
"I have a boyfriend - I couldn't care less. Though I'm sure your happy that Victor Krum is here."  I said smirking. 

"I don't like him like that," Ron said getting annoyed.

"Yeah, sure you're completely not gay for him," Draco said sarcastically.

"I am not. I mean do you two think he is hot?" Ron asked.

We shrugged and said, "Maybe." 

"Could you two ever give a straight answer?" Ron sighed.

"I don't know, can we? I mean we're not straight why should our answers be?" Draco said smiling.

"I swear, you leech, I'll stake you," Ron said.

"He is not a leech he is a ferret," I said smiling and started petting him.

"Stop petting me, Harry," Draco complained.

"But your hair. It's so soft." I said.

Draco pinned me to the couch. "I told you to stop petting my hair," Draco said.

I smiled and pecked his lips. He growled and got off me.

*Draco's P.O.V.*

I noticed that my friends have not said a thing. Blaise is staring at Ron and Pansy is looking at her nails. 

"Well, sadly it's time to go." I kissed Harry's cheek and my friends and I got up and left. 

"Why is Ron not noticing me. I mean am I not good enough for him?" Blaise whined.

"What did I tell you yesterday. Make your move before someone else is lucky enough to. JUST DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled and walked away.

The next day we walked into the great hall and sat with Harry. Blaise sat next to Ron across from me and Harry. Then Pansy next to Ron. And Hermione next to Harry. 

Blaise I notice keeps glancing at Ron. But he is completely oblivious. Mostly because he is staring at Fleur. 

"So today we have no classes so everyone can sign up for the tournament. So I say that we need to go to the library and study. then we can watch." Hermione said.

"Do we have to," Harry whined and leaned against me.

"Yes! We need to study as much as we can Harry!" Hermione said.  

"So pretty," Ron said dreamily.

"Ron!" We all yelled.

"What what's wrong?" Ron said.

"Do you ever stop thinking about girls?" Harry said.

"Do you ever stop thinking about Draco?" Ron asked. 

"Well, how can I when he is always here?" Harry said.

"Do you not want me here?" I pouted.

"I always want you here," he said and leaned against me.

"Alright let's go study," Hermione said.

So we all got up and left.

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