Chapter sixty six

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Harry p.o.v

Spells are flying one way and another. The deatheaters are pissed that the malfoy and parkasen are on our side. The Zabanie are also mad Blaise is on our side same as other deatheaters. Snape is half hearty fighting McGonagall. Fred Remus and Tonka almost died. But there fine. Then everything stoped as Voldimort came in Nagani with him.
"Well hello pott- aaaaaaaa." Nevill came up behind him cutting off Nagani head and Voldimort his waist line. Killing Voldimort with the sword of Griffindorks.
"I killed the dark lord." Nevill said suprised.
We all began cheering as Luna went up and kissed Neville cheek. The deatheaters fled as our side began celebrating. Snape stayed behind and ask Draco to forgive him.
"I understand sev." Draco said.
I nodded and we all went home to have a peacefully day. Draco going with me. Pansy and Hermione together, Blaise and Ron together.

8th year

A year later and hogwarts is all fixed up. Headmistriss Mcgonagall is allowing any one who wants to go back can. Me and Draco of course are going back. Hermione Pansy Blaise and Ron will be coming to.
Snape is teaching defence against the dark arts Slughorn potion. And the same teachers for everything.
Right now me and Draco are cuddling in my bed at Grimuald place. "Harry?"
"Hm." I replied simply.
"When are we getting married? We are engaged remember?" Draco said.
I moved to lay on top of Draco and said, "when ever your ready. I'm sorry we were not able to. With the war and all."
Draco flipped us over and said, "it's okay Harry I understand that. Maybe after school we can get a house, and get married. Then we can have kids and raise them."
"What about my wabbits and Headwig." I asked smiling innocently.
Draco grinned and said, "there will be room for them to."
Draco leaned down and began kissing me. I kissed back but Draco pulled away and began kissing my neck. Then he bit down to began drinking my blood.
When he finished I became aroused and Draco licked the wound closed. "I love you harry," He said.
"Love you to draco." I said cuddling up to him.
Then we fell asleep.

Draco p.o.v
When we woke up we got ready to go to hogwarts. "Draco Harry you ready!?" Remus called up the stairs.
"Yah!" We yelled and ran down stairs.
We then apeareated to platform 9&3/4. We then walked onto the train saying bye to Sirius and Remus. Sat down on the train as our freinds came in.
We sat down and talked about what this school year may bring. When the trolly lady came by we bought some candy. Me and Blaise has to convince Ron and harry not to by every single price of candy.

Once we got to Hogwarts we loaded the carriages and began our ride to the palace. "Since when was there horses?" I ask.
We all looked to the front and Harry said. "There Threstles. You seem them when you see death."
We then all looked at Harry who is looking saddly at the Threstles. I pulled him to me and kissed his cheek. "Love you harry." I said.
We made it to the Castel and we decided that for today we will sit with our own houses. Mcgonagall made her speech then the first years came in and got sorted. Slythren got  5 griffendor 7 hufflpuff 4 Ravenclaw 5.
We then began to eat. "So Draco when is the weding?" Pansy asked.
"Not sure. After school I know that much." I said looking over at my wonderful Harry who is eating silantly.
"Well do you think this year will be better than the others?" Blaise asked.
"Anything that can kill Harry is dead and the arouras are getting all roaug death eaters." I said positive this year will be better than the others.
Once every one finished eating the table cleared and McGonagall  said, "prefects pleas lead your houses to the dorm 8th years stay."
Once every one cleared out Mcgonagall had us 8th years fallow her to a picture of a hipogriff. "Gillyweed." Mcgonagal said and the picture opened. "Girls on left boys on right. You will each share a room with one person. Names are on doors." McGonagall said and left.
The common room is all house colors and slightly bigger than the two I been in. Me and Harry went and found our room. Lucky they decided to let us share. Ron and Blaise are across from us to.
Me and Harry went into ours and it has both our house colors and the same size as a normal dorm with two beds and a door leading to the bathroom. Me and Harry put the beds together and got ready for bed. Then we fell asleep in each others embrace.

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