Chapter Eleven

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*Harry's P.O.V.*

The ghost looked at us and wailed, "here to throw books at me too?" 

"No, why would we do that?" I asked.

"I don't know. I was just sitting in the u-bend when some one came and threw a book at me." She said.

"Well, you're a ghost so it shouldn't have hurt," Ron said. Draco rolled his eyes.

She got into Ron's face and yelled, "OH YES LET'S ALL THROW BOOKS AT MYRTLE BECAUSE SHE CAN'T FEEL IT! TEN POINTS IF IT GOES THROUGH HER STOMACH!!" she put her arm in Ron's stomach, "AND FIFTY IF IT GOES THROUGH HER HEAD!" And she put her arm in his head.

She then backed away. "Who threw the book at you?" I asked.

"I don't know I didn't see them." She said.

"Okay. Well we will go now. By Myrtle." I said and walked away. 

I stoped because I saw the book Myrtle was talking about. 

I picked it up and Ron and Draco walked over. "Tom Marvalo Riddle." I read on the back.

"Hmm looks like a diary. Who is this guy?" Draco asked.

"Well, it's blank," I said flipping the pages.

"Why will some one put there name on a diary and not write in it. Or throw it away?" Ron asked.

"I don't know," I said.

"Well unless we want detention we should be getting back to our dorms it's almost curfew." Draco said.

We ran back to our dorms. Ron went upstairs but I stayed in the common room. I want to know more about this diray. 

I flipped through the pages a few times. I then closed the book and leaned back in the chair. I then got a amazing idea. 

I wrote, my name is Harry Potter.

The ink disappears and was replaced with, hello Harry I am Tom Marvalo Riddle.

I was shocked. And decided to ask the important question. Can you tell me about the chamber of secrets?

No.... but I can show you. The diary said back.

The pages started flipping. Then suddenly stoped and said, fifty years ago. The spine started to glow. Then i was pulled in

*Draco's P.O.V. *

I got bored laying here so I decided to see if Harry was awake. I went out of my room and to the Gryffindor common room. When I walked in I saw the diary that Harry found on the table. I sat down and looked at it. It's open and there is words saying fifty years ago. The book started to glow then Harry appeared on my lap. He looked at me and said, "Hello Draco. What are you up to?" 

"I came to see you. Got bored. Um... what are you doing?" I asked a little confused.

"Well the diary is magic and I can have a conversation with it, apparently. So I asked about the chamber and it showed me fifty years ago. Hagrid had a monster in the school and it attacked people. Tom killed it and got Hagrid in trouble though Hagrid did not know that it was hurting anyone. And some girl died in the bathroom." Was Harry's answer. 

"....Okay. So what should we do?" I said trying to understand.

"I say that I should change and we go visit Hagrid and wake Ron." Harry said getting up. I followed him up to his room and he then said, "Wake Ron as I change." And grabed clothes and walked off.

I shook Ron and said, "get up it's important." 

He got up and said, "what? Where's Harry?" 

"I'm here we need to talk to Hagrid he should know more on the chamber." Harry said and grabed a silver cloak.

"Why do you have the cloak?" I asked.

"It's an invisibility cloak. Let's go." Harry said rapping it around me himself and Ron.
We then ran all the way to Hagrids hut and Harry knocked on the door.

It opened and Harry took the cloak off. "What are ye all doin out at this hour?" Hagrid asked letting us in.

"The chamber of secrets. I read that you let out a monster," Harry said.

"Now we're ya hear that?" He asked.

There was a knock so Hagrid then said, "put that cloak of yours back on." We did as he opened the door.

Cornelius Fudge walked in and started talking to Hagrid. Then my father did too. Then Dumbledore. They took Hagrid away but not before he said, "if any one is looking for any answers just.. follow the spiders. And feed Fang." Then Hagrid left.

And Dumbledore said, "if anyone ever needs any help just ask." And he walked out.

Dad looked around and mumbled something about them being strange.

When we thought the coast is clear we took off the cloak. And Ron said, "what do you think he meant by following the spiders? I don't see any spiders. So let's go." Ron said.

Harry took a lantern and pointed at a big line of spiders. We walked out side and Ron said, "why spiders? Why can't it be 'follow the pretty butterflies'?" 

"Wow Ron that sounded really gay," Harry said.

"Well, I hate spiders. I'm actually quite afraid of them." Ron said looking pale.

"Harry is gay and he is not afraid but you are? That's hilarious." I said and started to laugh. 

We followed the spiders into the forbidden forest, reminding me of the last time I was here with Harry. I was so scared and nearly peed my pants when that weird shadow thing showed up. When the spiders ended it was at some weird nest. Then a big spider that's about the size of my Manor appeared. "Who are you?" The spider said. 

Ron looked like he was about to faint and Harry said, "we are friends of Hagrid. And we want to know if you attacked anyone at school. And what's in the chamber." Harry said not looking scared at all.

"I killed no one!" The spider said.

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