Chapter fifty two

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Harry p.o.v
When we got down stairs Draco dragged me to the couch sat down with me on his lap. Then every one came in. "The reason why we called you all in here is because Mad Eye Moody has giving us two announcements that can not wait." Ms Weasly said as Mad eye walked in.
"So the first one is that Umbrige has been released and not charged. Though she can not go back to the school and is under house arrest."
Mad eye was about to say more but Draco got up making me nearly fall off his lap. He began walking to the door talking about how absurd this is.
But his father grabbed him and hit him upside the head. "How dare you hit me! Wait untill my father... Wait. Okay fine." Draco said and sat back down. He grabbed me and put me back onto his lap.
"Now the second thing if your done yelling. Is that vampires mate ones they are seventeen can have children and get pregnant. Male and female." Mad eye said.
"Wait so once Harry is seventeen he can have kids?" Draco asked.
"Yes. He will go into somthing like a heat once a month." Mad eye said.
"How did you figure this out? We did not while we were studying up on vamps." I said.
"It's in few books." Mad eye said.
I looked at Draco who is staring off into space smiling. "Oh this is so grate. I can be a grandma." Narccisa said clapping her hands jumping a bit.
"Draco." Ron said making Draco look at him. "If you get Harry pregnat before he is ready I'll fucking casarate you."
Draco pailed as Ms Weasly yelled at Ron for saying that as Sirius laughed saying that he thinks the same thing.
"Harry Ron is being me to me." Draco said nuzzling my neck.
"Don't worry Draco he is only bluffing." I said patting his leg.
"Well you all can go to sleep now." Ms Weasly said shooing us up stairs.

The next day. We ate breakfast then went to open presents. And nothing interesting happen for the rest of the break.

When we got back to school i finally began feeling better about the whole Arthur Weasly attack. Draco during the whole break was trying to make me feel better.

Draco p.o.v
That night Harry woke from another nightmare claiming that Moldy Wart is mad. I'm just glad that tomorrow that Harry will be able to start learning Occlamancy.

The next day Harry came back from his lesson looking a but shaken. And a little mad. I pulled him into his lap and said, "what's wrong my Harry?"
He curled up to me and said, "I don't like Snape.
"Why what's wrong?" I asked rubbing his back.
He sniffed and said, "he is looking through my memories."
"That's the points of the lesson harry you need to learn how to block your mind." I explained.
"But what if he sees something super personal? Like me and you having sex?" Harry said frowning.
I lightly kissed him and said, "don't worry Harry. I'm sure it will be fine. I mean. Snape I am sure is prepared for the worse."
"But... I don't want him to see it... Draco." Harry said nuzzling my neck.
I sighed and ran my hand up and down his side. "Don't worry Harry it'll be fine. I am sure Snape won't judge you for me and you having sex or anything. Don't worry about it my Harry." I said and kissed the top of his head.
"Okay Draco. I love you." He mumbled against my neck.
He slowly fell asleep so I picked him up and carried him to the room and got us both ready for bed. I then laid down next to him and fell asleep.

I woke up to Harry sitting up and breathing heavily close to tears. "Harry are you okay?" I asked pulling him to me relising it's like the middle of the night.
"Yah I'm fine." Harry mumbled cuddling back up to me.
I nuzzled his neck and lightly kissed him. "Don't worry Harry I'll protect you. I love you so much." I said.
"I love you to Draco." He mumbled falling back to sleep.
I smiled and wached him sleep a bit tell I fell asleep myself.

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