Chapter Fourteen

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*Harry's P.O.V.  (time skip to Prisoner of Azkaban)*

I woke up and I am the only one in my room. I went down the stairs and breakfast is being set up. Draco's parents accepted me being gender fluid. Narcissa thinks it's cute.

Also yesterday I saw a hurt young rabbit and took it in. No one knows about it including Draco. 

"Morning Harry," Draco said and hugged me.

"Morning Draco," I said as we sat down.  

We ate then Narcissa went to make cookies and I helped. Draco went somewhere.

After thirty minutes I heard Draco yell, "HARRY JAMES POTTER GET YOUR BUTT UP HERE NOW!" 

Narcissa looked at me and I shrugged. So Narcissa and I went and Lucius showed up.

"Harry why is there a rabbit in your trunk?" Draco demanded.

"Oh. Her name's Snow." I said bashfully.

"Okay, why is Snow in there?" He asked.

"I found her, and she was injured, so I healed her," I said.

"Well, are you ever going to put her back?" He asked.

"No. I'm keeping her," I said. Then I added, picking her up, "how can you say no to her cute little face." 

Draco looked at the rabbit and said, "no." 

I set her on Draco's bed and pouted saying "you're mean." I then looked at Draco with puppy dog eyes and said, "can I pweas keep the wabbit Dwayco." 

He immediately broke and said, "of course you can love you can have anything you want." And he hugged me as his mom and dad laughed.

I have him wrapped around my little finger. I hugged him and said, "Thank you Dwaco I wove you."

*Draco's P.O.V.*

I love my little Harry. When he pulled away he said, "the cookies should be done now." And ran downstairs. Mom followed. 

I looked at dad who is laughing and said, "why are you laughing?" 

"You don't know? Son, he has you wrapped around his little finger. He is so Slytherin I'm confused as to how he is in Gryffindor." Father said then walked out.

"Wait, father, I'm confused!" I called after him. 

I went down to the kitchen and Harry is eating a cookie.

I took one and started to eat too. "So Harry what are you going to do with the rabbit for Hogwarts?" I asked.

"Have Narcissa take care of her." He suggested. "Maybe?"

The post came and Harry and I got the Hogwarts letter, Hogsmeade form, and Daily Prophet. Harry also got a letter from Ron and Hermione.

"Draco who is Sirius Black?" Harry asked.

I thought about what to say. I remember dad telling me that he is Harry's Godfather. Well, Harry, he's a mass murder and guess what? He's also your Godfather! Suprise! I then said. "Nobody you need to worry about. Just some bad guy." 

He nodded and put down the Prophet.

"What did he do?" Harry asked.

"He was a big supporter of the Dark Lord. He killed a big group of muggles and his friend. There was nothing left of his friend but a finger." I said.

He looked surprised. "That sounds horrible. How did he escape?" Harry said.

"I don't know. But that's not important." I said.

"Do you think that your dad will know more?" Harry asked.

"Why are you so concerned about him?" I asked.

"I don't know. But he is a Death Eater." Harry said and shrugged.

"Yea but, you don't need to worry about him. The Aurors will take care of him." I said and smiled. 

One more package came that is from Hagrid. It's a furry book that has teeth.

"The- the Monster Book of Monsters?" Harry said and took off the tie that tied it together.
It started to move and tried biting Harry. Harry screamed and backed away I closed it then retied it.

"What was that?" Harry said.

"Apparently a book that will kill," I said and laughed. 

Mom and father came in and father said, "why did Harry scream?"

"That book tried to kill me. Why is it that books keep trying to kill me it's unnatural." Harry said.
I hugged him and said, "it's alright." 

"Okay. Well. I guess you don't need us." Lucius said and he and Narcissa walked out.

"Draco I don't like the book. Book bad." Harry said.

"I know love. Hagrid is insane. Now I regret signing up for his Care of Magical Creatures class." I said and Harry hit me. 

"Don't make fun of Hagrid," Harry said disapprovingly. 

"Sorry. Now we are going to meet your friends tomorrow right?" I said changing the subject.

"Yes." He answered.

"Good, now let's pick out our outfits," I said and we went back to my room. 

I chose for Harry a nice green dress with silver shoes and me a green shirt and black pants with boots. 

For the rest of the day we stayed in and at night I got Harry to sleep in my bed and we fell asleep with Harry cuddled into me.

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