Chapter seventy

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Harry p.o.v

Through out the week, I had the same routine; Wake up; Throw up; Go to the Great Hall; Throw up; Eat; Go to classes; In potions, throw up; Go to Great Hall, and eat; Go to rest of classes; Go to Great Hall and force food down my throat; then, Go to bed.

I hate this! Draco thinks I'm pregnant but, I'm not sure. I do remember being told that I can but, that does not mean I am! 

But, since this has been going on for a week, Draco took me to the nurse. She had me lay on a bed and she waved her wand over my stomach, and the tip turned green. 

"What does that mean?" Draco asked, worried.

"He is pregnant, now since the child will be part vampire, the pregnancy, instead of taking 9 months, it will take eleven. You will have stranger cravings than a normal pregnancies and it will be a good idea to drink some of Draco blood once a week. Draco will not want to drink your blood anymore, due to safety of your child. Any questions?" Madam Pomfrey explained. 

"Yes... What will Draco live off of, sense he can't have my blood?" I asked.

"He may go to a close friend, his mind will force him to, and it will satisfy him. Then, two weeks after the child is born, he will start drinking from you, again." Madam Pomfrey said. 

We nodded, and get up. "Good news. They won't be born tell after school." Draco said, smiling a bit, as we walk out of the hospital wing. 

"I know but, I'm scared.  I-I don't know what to do." I said, hugging myself. Draco hugged me and kissed my forehead. 

"Don't worry, my Harry. I will take care of you. Now, let's go tell our friends!" Draco said.

When we got to the gryffindor common room, we saw our friends sitting together, Hermione was ready, with Pansy looking over her shoulder, and Blaise and Ron was cuddling on the couch. We walk over and join our friends on the couch.

"What are you two so happy about?" Hermione asked.

"Harry is pregnant." Draco said excited.

Hermione dropped her book, while the other three gave us a look of shock. "You've got to be joking." Hermione said.

We shook our heads, and Pansy yelled. "Draco, you idiot! Do you not know how to use protection?" 

"And not only that, but Sirius and Remus are going to be super mad." Hermione added.

"It will be fine, and he won't give birth until after school." Draco said. 

"That doesn't matter! I mean, come on, Draco, couldn't you've waited until after school." Pansy said. 

"We didn't plan this, it just happened." I said, cuddling Draco. Why are they not happy about this?

"Well still, you should have used protection." Hermione said, shaking her head.

"Don't get us wrong we are happy that you are pregnant. Just... would've been good if it was after school." Pansy said.

Both girls and Blaise nodded, but Ron yelled."No! No, Draco! You have disappointed me, I thought you were going to keep Harry nice and safe... But no! You go and get him pregnant, I just can't believe. Harry, I not mad at you, I'm mad at Draco." 

"Well, you shouldn't be mad at either of us! Neither of us knew this would happen, and neither of us planned it." Draco said angerly.

Draco p.o.v

I'm glad that the girls and Blaise are okay with this, but Ron is getting on my nerves! I mean, yeah, he and Harry are like brothers but... Can't he just be happy for us! I'm just glad he is not mad at Harry, it's not his fault. Yeah, I should have thought about this, but Harry has no blame.

I got up and I said, "well Ron, if we had no school would you have been okay with it?"

"I don't know... Maybe? I just didn't want Harry hurt." Ron said.

"I'll be fine, Ron.  I mean, girls do it." Harry said smiling.

"That's what you said about heels." Ron mumbled.

After that was sorted out, we spent the rest of the day talking about baby names and wedding ideas, and, of course, I wrote to my mother about this. Her and dad are both disappointed that I got Harry pregnant, but are happy that we will have kids.

The next day, when Harry woke up, he didn't throw up right away. Which I'm perfectly fine with,
but when we got to the Great Hal,l he bolted to the bathroom and emptied the contents of his stomach.

All throughout the year, it was all the same, from Harry going through mood swings to craving and him having to drinking​ my blood, to which I've been drinking​ Hermione's. 

Though, I have given everything he asked and tried to make sure he was happy. We decided to have the wedding after he had the kid... or kids never asked what the gender is or how many we were having, but the important thing is that the kid or kids is healthy.

My parents though did not help me because it is my responsibility. The only time they did was when Harry asked. Harry's gourdians though helped no matter what. 

Though I don't mind. I love Harry and I will do every thing I can. 

When we got out of Hogwarts we moved into our own house. I went and got a job but they said I don't need to start tell after Harry has the kids. And I was okay with that. Harry did not get one and said he will once the kids are old enough. 

But ir is not important as long as we ate together.

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