Chapter fourty six

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Harry p.o.v
I next morning I was woken by some one kissing me, that i knew was Draco.
I kissed back pulling him closer. Draco began kissing my jaw line and my neck. When he finally but down and began sucking my blood. I moaned and hugged him to me. As he pulled away and licked the wound closed. I pulled him down so we can kiss. But he just laughed and pulled away. "No harry. Maybe later." He said.
"But Draco." I whinned.
"No harry." He replied.
I pouted and said, "your mean."
"I'm sorry Harry. I love you. But if we don't go Hermione will kill us for being late." He said and kissed my cheek getting up.
I whinned and got up to and got ready putting in the girl uniform. "You look pretty my harry." Draco said and kissed my cheek.
"Thank you." I mumbled so I can still act upset. I am going to take as much advantage as I can out of this.
We went to the great hall and Draco kept trying to hold my hand our put an arm around my waist, but I did not let him. We then sat down and Hermione looked at us both sceptically.
"Harry pleas talk to me." Draco pleased.
I shook my head forceing myself not to smirk. "Harry what is going on?" Hermione asked.
"Don't worry about it." I said and began eating.
"Harry pleas. Will a kiss make it better?" He said putting a hand on my shoulder but I brushed it off.
"Draco what did you do?" Ron asked angerly.
"I don't know." He said frowning.

All through the day up untell dinner Draco has been begging for me to pay attention to him. Our freinds would looked at us strange but not say a thing.
"Harry pleas talk to me. I miss you!" Draco said laching onto me hugging me tight.
Though I just ignored him and ate. "Come on Harry he is your mate just talk to him." Hermione said rolling her eyes.
I just smiled and shook my head.
"Pleas Harry I'll do anything." Draco said. "Ill. I'll give you anything. Anything you want. I'll let you keep all the baby bunnies. And. And even get you some new ones. Pleas Harry." Draco cried.
"Really?" I asked.
"Yes. Just pleas pay attention to me." He said with puppy dog eyes.
I hugged him and he cuddled me. "I'll let you keep all the bunnies. And when we go to Hogsmead I'll give you anything you want. Just pleas don't neglecte me." He said and kissed my cheek.
I snuggled into him as our friends rolled there eyes. They probly now know that I was doing this just to get thing out of it. But I don't care.

Draco p.o.v
I'm so happy that Harry is not mad at me any more. I have no clue what I done wrong though. But at least she is happy. Though now I'll need to beg my parents to let us keep all the baby bunnies.
Some ministry peaple then came in and arrested Umbitch. Telling her that she is arrested for illigle use of punishment. Then left.
Every one cheered and clapped for her arrest. Me and the Weaslys twins probably the loudest.
Dumbldore told us to be quite and aslo said that classes are cancelled for a week tell he finds a new teacher. Making us cheer all the more.
I'm even sure that I saw Snape grin. And he like never does.

We then went to the common room and I had Harry cuddle me while Hermione forced us to do home work.
"But Hermione I don't want to. And i need to find names for the bunnies." Harry whinned.
Hermione glared at Harry and said, "I don't care. Do your work."
"Fine mean. Draco help me." Harry whinned.
"I love you Harry. You dont have to do anything you don't want to." I said and hugged him to me.
Harry cuddled up to me and kissed my cheek. This is so nice since he ignored me all day. Maybe I'll make him even more happy tonight in bed.

So when we went to bed j pinned Harry down and began kissing him roughly.
He kissed back and I pulled away. "I'm sorry for whatever k done to make you mad at me. I love you Harry." I said and began kissing his neck.
"I love you to Draco. I'm sorry for ignoring you." He said quitly.
I began rubbing against him making myself more aroused then I am but Harry pushed me off and said. "Not right now Draco. How about later." And he cuddled me.
I frowned but cuddled back a little upset that he does not want to. But I can't force him. That would be rape.
So we just cuddled. Falling asleep. Me very horny.

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