Chapter Twenty-one

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The Goblet of Fire

*Harry's P.O.V.*

I am woken up by the door opening. Ron yelled bloody hell covering himself up. I just looked saw Hermione and laid back down. 

I have spent half the summer at Draco's now at the Weasleys. And I'm sharing a room with Ron. If that was not obvious. 

"Come on get up well be late and we need to meet the Malfoys," Hermione said. She then closed the door and Ron and I got up. I got some jeans and a red girl shirt I went to the bathroom and got changed. 

I went down stairs and Mrs. Weasley set the table. 

We ate then went to something that Mr. Weasley called a portkey. And we met a person called Cedric. He is a seventh-year Hufflepuff. We all grabbed onto the boot a.k.a. the portkey and got to the quidditch place. 

Draco immediately ran up to me and kissed me. "I have missed you so much, Harry." He said hugging me tightly. 

"I'm missed you too," I said leaning my head on his chest since he is taller than me. "Why do you have to be taller than me?" I grumbled.

"Because I am. Now let's go." He said and we all went to pitch up a tent and then to the stadium.
Since both the Malfoys and Weasley put together their money we got the best seats. 

The first team had Irish leprechauns dance in the air then explode in coins. Ron and I caught a few and put it in our pocket. The other team had some women go into the field and dance. Most of the men stared at them with lust. One of them including Ron. 

"They're gorgeous don't you think so Harry?" Ron said dreamily.

I just rolled my eyes and asked Draco, "what is wrong with him?" 

"They're Veela. So if you are not dating someone or a soulmate to someone and if you like that gender then you will fall under their spell." He answered. 

"So since I'm dating you and gay I'm not under their spell?" I said. He nodded as the team came out and the game began.

After the game we went back to the tent and Ron is boasting about Victor Krum. 

"Wow, Ron never knew you would be gay for someone. " I said and Draco laughed.

"I am not. I'm just saying that he is the best." Ron said.

"Oh yes but I'm sure your thinking. 'Damn, he is hot. He looks good on his broom. Wonder if I can ride his'?" Draco said smirking.

"That is not!" Ron yelled his face red.

Me, Fred and George began singing about Ron's crush-not-crush when screams are able to be heard outside.

Mr. Weasley came in and told us we have to go quickly.

Draco grabbed my hand and began dragging me away from the Weasleys, the Malfoys and Hermione following. 

My scar began to burn and I stumbled a bit but Draco held on to me.

*Draco's P.O.V.*

I saw the dark mark appear in the sky and got nervous. Harry stumbled holding his head though I had a good hold on him and kept leading him.

When we finally got to the gate we got our portkey and left to the Weasleys. 

The adults sent us out to do something so they can talk. Ron led me Harry and Hermione to his room. "Are you alright Harry?" I asked as we sat on the bed.

"I'm fine my head just hurts. What was that thing in the sky anyway?" Harry said.

"Well, the people attacking is called death eaters. The thing in the sky is called the dark mark. It's how Moldywart communicates with the death eaters." I said explaining it to Harry.

"Oh. How do you know this?" Harry asked. 

"Um. My dad was a death eater, but he was forced. Moldywart was threatening me and my mom." I said pleading to any God up there that he won't hate me.

But he just nodded and said, "Okay. Don't worry Voldy was threatening you." Harry said.
"Yea you'll be fine," Hermione said smiling.

"Yep just as long as you don't join willingly it's all right," Ron said.
"Thanks," I said.

"Draco it's time to go." Mother yelled from downstairs.
We ran down and I said, "can Harry come with us?"
I pulled Harry to my side hugging him like a child would a teddy bear.
"Is it alright with you all?" Dad asked the Weasley.
"Of course." Mrs. Weasley said.
My parents deemed it alright but Ron said, "Wait up just a few rules for Draco. One, make sure that Harry is safe and don't do anything without his permission. If I hear one bad thing or notice anything different I will stake you."
"Ron, be nice," Harry said blushing a little.
"That is me being nice. Now make sure you have him on a tight leash and don't sleep in the same room with him. You know the only thing boys want at his age." Ron said.
"Alright, we're leaving." Harry said trying to pull me away but I said, "Don't worry Ron you can trust me." I said.
"You can't trust boys," Ron said.
"We will see you all tomorrow at diagon ally." Mrs. Weasley said.
"See ya," I said and allowed Harry to pull me out. As we got his trunk.
We apparated to my Manor and went to my room and fell asleep cuddled next to each other.

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