Chapter Thirty-seven

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*Harry's P.O.V.*

The next day when I woke up Draco is already awake and looking at me. I just cuddled up to his chest and said, "morning Draco."

"Morning my Harry. Did you have a good rest?" Draco said wrapping his arms around me.

"Yes. Did you?" I said.

"Yes, I did. May I have some blood?" he asked.

"Of course Draco," I said. He pushed me onto my back and got on top. He smiled at me and kissed my neck. He then bit and I felt a slight pain that quickly turned to pleasure. After a few minutes, he finished and licked the bight helping it close.

"Thank you, Harry," he said, licking his lips.

"You're welcome," I said and we just laid there, Draco on top of me holding me to him nuzzling his face to my neck.

"DRACO, HARRY GET UP!" We heard Blaise and Ron yell through the curtains.

Draco groaned and got up. I did the same and we got dressed. Me feeling like a girl today, I put on the girl uniform along with a pair of high heels. When Draco came and stood next to me I was just as tall as him. He looked at me and laughed. "Happy to be tall?" he asked.

"Yes, I am. now I can do this," I said and leaned forward to kiss him.

He held me close and kissed back. when he pulled away he said, "Okay as much as I want to kiss you we need to go to breakfast. They may think that I have you pinned to the bed trying to take your virginity."

I laughed and said, "Okay fine. Why are they so protective over me?"

We began walking out and he said, "Because they are great friends."

I laughed and said, "they are great friends. Though they act like I'm an innocent little girl."

"Harry, what are you dressed as?" Hermione asked.

"A girl," I replied.

"Then we have the right to treat you like an innocent girl," Hermione explained.

I sighed and said, "okay, fine."

Draco hugged me to him and said, "don't worry I will never hurt her or do anything against her wishes."

"That's what they all say," Ron said.

"See, this is why I think of them as older brother and sister. Both so overprotective," I explained.

"And taller without heels," Blaise added for me.

We all laughed at that and went to eat breakfast.

During breakfast, Draco kept glaring past me and seemed annoyed. "Are you okay Draco?" I asked.

"Victore is annoying," Draco replied. I was about to turn but Draco said, "don't look."

So I did not look and said, "it's okay Draco, Victor is not going to do anything."

"Yeah but I don't like the fact that another man wants you," Draco said.

I reached over the table and grabbed Draco's hand. He looked at me and I smiled at him showing that its okay. He grinned back and continued eating.

*Draco's P.O.V.*

After we ate we went to our first class which is Defense Against the Dark Arts. We sat in our normal spots and a minute later Moody came in drinking something foul smelling. Then he continued being weird. I really don't like him but Harry thinks he is good so I have to deal with it.

So after class when he wants to talk to Harry I need to let him no matter what. When Harry finally came out I hugged her to me and said, "Are you okay Harry?"

"I'm fine Draco. He just wanted to know if I am prepared for the next task. Which I thought was strange because we can't be. But he then meant mentally which I am not sure about." Harry explained to me.

I nodded and we began walking to the common room since its free period. "I still don't like him," I said.

"Draco, it's okay. He hasn't tried to hurt me or anyone else," Harry said smiling to me reassuringly.

I sighed and said, "but Harry, he doesn't seem good. He even smells worse than Lupin."

"Don't worry. As soon as he tries to hurt me you will know and then you can do something," Harry said and kissed my cheek.

"Okay. Promise me you are going to be careful," I said.

"I promise," Harry replied.

"Now tell me. What's it like to walk in heels?" I said.

"Painful. I don't know if it is worth it or not," Harry said as we walked into the common room.

I laughed as we sat down and Hermione said, "well Harry, pain is beauty."

"I know but heels are like torture," Harry replied.

"You wanted to wear them," Ron said.

Harry glared at him and said, "Would you like to try them on?"

"Yeah sure. I'm sure they're not that bad. I mean, as you said, girls do it all the time," Ron said.

So Harry handed them to Ron and Ron put them on. "See not bad."

"Stand up and walk around," Harry said.

So Ron stood up and almost fell. "Wow, this is high," he said. Ron began walked around almost falling a few time. After a few minutes, he sat back down and said, "it's hard work. And it does hurt."

We all laughed at Ron and Harry said, "It takes practice. But don't worry, it's not like you are going to ever wear them," and she took back the shoes.

"Yeah, never again," Ron said.

"Now that you all are done playing around we need to get to our next class," Hermione said and got up.

Harry sighed and looked at the heels. Then he took out his wand and transfigure them into flat shoes. He put those on and we went to our next class.

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