Chapter Thirty-six

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*Harry's P.O.V.*

I started skipping as we went to the Gryffindor common room looking for Fred and George. Ron and Blaise have already washed off the ink.

"So what do you think we should do to Ginny?" Blaise asked.

"Something harmless," Ron replied.

"Payback?" Fred and George said appearing out of nowhere.

"Yes. We have been looking for you two. Do you have anything we could use?" I asked.

"We have plenty of things," Fred said.

"What do you need?" George said.

"Embarrassing?" Fred said.

"Or something to make her mad?" George finished.

We thought for a moment and Ron said, "surprise me." 

So they handed something over and they said together. "Put this in her shampoo and let the magic happen." Then they threw down a smoke bomb and disappeared. 

"They are insane." Draco said shaking his head. 

"Yeah. Let's go give this to Ginny." I said.

Hermione and Pansy ran up to the girl's dorm. And amazingly I was able to follow as the others fell down the stairs as it turned into a slide underneath their feet. 

We laughed at them for a bit, then continued up.

One we found the room we went in and found the bathroom. Then saw Ginny's shampoo and placed it all in. "I can't wait until she uses this," I snickered.

"I know right. I can't wait." Pansy said.

We then walked out and we sat down. "So when do you think that she'll use it?" Draco asked pulling me closer.

"When she takes a shower of course," I said as though that was obvious. And it was.

"Yeah, but I wish she would hurry up. And how were you able to get into the girl's dorms?" Ron said.

"Maybe it's because I'm genderfluid. Though I don't feel like a girl at the moment." I said.

They nodded and Draco said, "well I don't really as long as Ginny gets her payback."

We laughed and Ron said, "Do you think that I should feel bad for doing this to my sister?"

I sighed and said, "She didn't feel bad when she drew on you guys' faces."

They nodded and Blaise said, "yep. I guess that we should just accept that we are going to prank her."

A few hours later Ginny came down with green frizzy hair and acne all over her face. "Did you six have anything to do with this!" she shrieked.

"Yes!" We said together.

Then a few other girls came down and they all had the same problem as Ginny. "Who did this?" one girl demanded.

"Them," Ginny said pointing at us.

"Wait! Harry, Hermione, and Pansy did it. We had nothing to do with this." Ron said.

The girls glared at them and Hermione said. "I hate you."

Then the girls chased us out of the room. "Don't hurt my Harry!" Draco yelled to us.

I hid in a closet as the girls ran passed. Ha ha ha! No one can find me in the closet. mostly because I came out of it two years ago. When I deemed it safe I walked out and went back to the common room.

*Draco's P.O.V.*

Harry came back and sat down. "How did you escape?" I asked.

"I hid in a closet." Harry replied.

I laughed and said, "Why did you go back into the closet?"

"Ha-ha, really funny Draco." Harry said in a flat voice, rolling his eyes.

I pinned him on the couch and said, "How dare you say that my joke was terrible?"

"I didn't say it was. I implied it." Harry said smirking at me.

I scoffed and began tickling him. He laughed and tried squirming away. "Apologize and I'll stop," I said.

"Never. Ha-ha... Draco please stop!" He said.

"Not untill you apologize," I said.

"But... Draco... I can't... Breathe..." he said and continued to laugh. "Fine! Fine! I'm sorry... Your joke was... hilarious!"

I stoped tickling him and just sat on his waist. He is breathing heavily and letting out a few giggles. "Now was that so hard?"

"Yes. especially when I could barely say a few words." Harry replied.

"I'm sorry my Harry. I love you." I said and kissed his cheek.

"No need to apologize, you did no harm," Harry said and smiled up at me.

"Yeah now get off my friend," Ron said.

"But Harry is so comfortable," I said and began cuddling him.

"Aaaaaa! Your smooshing me!" Harry squealed.

"Stop acting like such a girl and cuddle me." I said.

"But I feel like a girl so I have a right to act like one! Now stop smooshing me." Harry said.

I moved to where I am beside Harry and hugged him to my chest. "I'm sowwy my wittle Harry."

"It's okay my Draco." Harry said cuddling me.

I kissed his forehead and held him closer. hey no PDA in the common room." Hermione said walking in.

"We are not making out so it's not PDA. we are just cuddling. I  mean Ron and Blaise are too." Harry pointed out. And he's right.

"Well, Harry, my fave boy-" Pansy started but was interrupted.

"Actually I feel like a girl now," Harry said.

"Okay. My girl. What ever. Plus PDA means 'Public Displays of Affection.' As in cuddling counts." Pansy said.

"What is so bad about cuddling. My Draco is so comfortable." Harry said.

"Aww thank you, Harry. You're comfortable too."  I said.

Pansy and Hermione sighed and Hermione said, "Fine do whatever you want."

I laughed and said, "Don't worry its not like we are going to do anything." And kissed his neck.

"You better not. Or I'll kill you." Ron said.

Eventually, Harry fell asleep and I carried him up to bed. Then followed him into dreamland.

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