Chapter Twenty-five

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*Harry's P.O.V.*

I woke up and my first thought is that I'm not in my room. Then I remember that I slept with Draco. I turned over and looked at my sleeping little Draco.

He woke up and smiled at me. "So Harry what are your plans for today?" Draco said.

"I don't know. But we have classes." I said and got up.

But Draco grabbed me and pinned me down.

"May I have some blood first?" He asked.

I nodded and allowed him to bite my neck. I moaned as he drank my blood. 

Once he finished he licked my neck and smiled at me.

"So are you ready to go to breakfast?" Draco asked.

"I still need to get dressed," I said.

"Okay get ready my love." He said and went into the bathroom.

I grabbed the male uniform and quickly put it on.

Draco came out of the bathroom and we went to the great hall. 

Since Ron is still mad at me, Draco and I went to the Slytherin table. 

He put an arm around my waist and held me close to him. I ate and saw Blaise said to us, "what is wrong with you and Ron?"

"He is upset that I got into the tournament," I said and frowned.

"Oh. I'll go talk to him." Blaise said and went to him. 

"I wander when he will just ask him out," Draco remarked.

"Probably never. Poor Blaise." I said.

After classes Draco and I went to skip rocks on the lake. Then Ron and Hermione came over. Hermione came up to us and said, "Hagrid told Ron to tell you. Wait." She then went back to Ron. They whispered something then Hermione said, "Hagrid told Ron to tell you to meet him at his hut. With your invisibility cloak. He wants to show you somthing." 

"Well can you ask Ron why he could not tell me this himself. I mean he is right there!" I said pointing at him.

She went over then she came back and said, "Because he does not want to talk to a bad friend. That is what he said." 

I was about to say something but she said, "I am not an owl so I am done!" And walked away. Ron and I glared at each other but he walked away.

Draco and I went up to the Gryffindor tower and I got my cloak and map. "Are you going to come back to my room?" Draco asked.

"Yes, I will." I kissed him quickly and went over to Hagrid's hut.

*Draco's P.O.V.*

I waited in my room for a while. Then Harry came in smelling like ash and fire.

"Harry, what happened?" I asked looking him over for any injuries.

"Dragons is the first task. It's so scary Draco!" Harry said hugging me.

I hugged back, him burying his face into my neck. "It's okay Harry I'll make sure nothing hurts you," I said reassuringly.

The next day during Defense Mad-Eye asked for Harry to stay behind.

So I waited out side of his class as he talked to Mad-Eye. 

Harry walked out smiling happily. "What is going on?" I asked pulling him to me.

"Have you heard of Accio?" He asked and I nodded. "Well, I could use that to summon my broom. Then I could use it during the first task." He explained.

"That's brilliant. I'm sure you will win Harry." I said and kissed his cheek.

Finally, the tournament and Harry is going to go in a few minutes. I snuck into the tent and saw Harry in the girl uniform pacing.

"Hey, darling are you okay?" I asked walking in.

"I'm just scared Draco," Harry said.

I hugged him and kissed him them there is a bright flash.

"Harry Potter: gender fluid and gay, dating the Malfoy heir. How surprising. I wonder what the title of the article will be." Rita Skeeter said.

"Get out of here you wench!" I yelled.

She just smiled and walked away.

They called Harry's name so I have him one last kiss and told him good luck. And I ran to the stands. 

The arena is now all rocky. And a Hungarian Horntail. 

Well, Harry, I hope that you get your hero luck.

Harry walked out slowly looking around. As the dragon attacked him he hid behind a rock and summoned his broom. 

He hoped on and began dogging the dragon. He then flew out of the stadium the dragon following.

He has been gone for a while but then he came back with no dragon.

We all cheered as Harry scooped up the egg and ran back into the tent. 

After we got the scores all of the Slytherins and Gryffindors went to the Slytherin common room since it's the biggest and partied. 

Ron came over to me and Harry and said, "I'm sorry for thinking you went into the tournament. I realize now you did not want to. Um. Will you forgive me?" 

"Of course you're my best friend," Harry said smiling.

Everyone began chanting for Harry to open it. 

He smiled and opened the egg that began making a horrid screeching sound.

I covered my ears and yelled at Harry to turn it off.

He did and said, "what was that?" 

"I don't know but I can still hear ringing," I said glaring at the egg.

"Well, how about we not do that again," Hermione suggested as Snape came in robes billowing.

"What was that noise?" He snapped.

"The egg," I said pointing at the golden egg.

"Don't do it again." He said and stormed out.

The Gryffindors then left to their common room as the Slytherin all went to bed. I got Harry to stay with me though. So we fell asleep, me cuddling Harry to close to me.

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