Chapter fifty nine

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Harry p.o.v
The next day we went to the infermory. Ron is alseep in a chair beside blaises bed alseep holding blaises hand. There are no classes today and every one knows of Dumbledores death. Me Draco Pansy and Hermione sat down. "Should we wake Ron up?" Hermione asked.
Draco nodded and got up and woke ron. Draco sat next to me as Ron sat up and said, "what are you guys doing here?"
"Checking on you two." Draco said.
Ron looked back at Blaise and said, "it's all my foult. I should have done somthing."
Blaise then moved a bit and mumbled somthing. Then he opened his eyes and groned in pain. Draco got up to get miss Pomfrey. Who came in and began fussing over him. When she finished Blaise is fully awake just laying there an miss Pomfrey walked out, "Blaise you okay?" Ron asked taking his hand.
Blaise smiled at him and said, "yah I'm fine. What happned though?"
"Greyback. Bit you." Ron said looking at the bed.
"Oh. So I'm a werewolf."  Blaise said.
"I'm sorry blaise." Ron said.
"Why are you sorry? Is not your foult." Blaise said sitting up more.
"But i-"
"Ron it's not your foult. You have nothing to be sorry for. Plus this is only somthing that will affect me once a month." Blaise said and kissed Ron.
"But. I should have done somthing. I could have." Ron said.
"Ron Blaise is right it's not your foult. It's Greyback foult." Draco said.
Ron frowned and nodded. "Great so. What now?" Blaise asked.
"Let's go get so,thing to eat." Pansy said getting up.
"Yep. Blaise must be hungry." Hermione said.
So we all got up and went to the dinning hall. It is silant nobody talking. And there is a empty spot were Dumbldore used to sit.
Me and my freinds sat down as McGonagall stood up. Ready for a speech.
And I did not hat a word.  I just looked at my lap trying not to cry.  Draco took my hand and smiled at me. I just grinned and leaned against him.

The weeks seemed to fly by. Befor I knew it we are on the train. Going home. "I'll convince my parents to let me stay over at your place Harry." Draco said and kissed my cheek.
"Okay thanks." I said and leaned against him.

When we got to the platform I hugged and kissed Draco good bye and told my freinds good bye. Then I went over to Sirius and Remus. Ready to go home.

Draco p.o.v
We went home and I began missing Harry already. "Mom dad can I please stay with Harry. I miss him. And he needs me." I Said. 
  "Not yet hunny. Let him spend time with his godfathers, and we can also spend time together. Then you can go stay with Harry. " Mom said.
I nodded and went to my room.

That night I got bored and decided to go to Harry. I know last time I got in truble but, I did not get to spend much time with him this year. And I really want to see him. So I got up and went to the fire place. I grabbed some floo, and went off.
On the other side there is a empty living room. I smiled and went to find Harry's room.
When I did I saw that he is staring at the ceiling wide awake. I smiled and said, "can't sleep love?"
He turned over to me and shook his head, then held his arms out to me, like a child asking to be picked up. I got into the bed and cuddled him. "I miss Dumbldore. The school won't be the same without him." Harry said.
"I know harry. Don't worry you'll be okay." I said and kissed him.
He then cuddled up to me znd fell asleep.

A little later a am still awake thinking about Harry. Such as, how is he going to defeat Voldimort, when will he have the time, does this mean we won't be spending much time together.
But all of that does not matter. As long as Harry is happy that's all that matters. I heard some one walking in the hallway so I pretended to sleep. The door opened and it's just Remus. He walked in Sirius behind him. "Of course he is here," Remus said.
"At least Draco cares about Harry. Harry needs some one like him." Sirius said.
"I know that, but can he at least say he is coming over or be invited." Remus said and they walked out.
I then cuddled up to Harry guessing there not mad.

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