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At some point on the roof? I must've fallen asleep, because I wake up being carried in Loki's arms. He has my shoes in one of his hands. It's dark in the hallway he's walking through but I recognize it as the one our room is in.

He swiftly walks into our room using his magic to quietly close the door and he gently lays me down on the bed, using more magic to change my dress into night clothes, and he pulled the covers up and over me.

A few minutes later I feel him get into bed and put his arms around me gently. I snuggle into his chest. Loki's skin is always cool to the touch because of him being a frost giant, but I don't mind it. I like it like that.

Time skip to morning after breakfast.

Loki and I are going back to Asgard today, where we will be taken to see our own kingdom. Apparently it's going to be small and will rule part of one of the 9 realms, but Loki is still excited that he will be a king.

Before we return to Asgard, Thor wanted to take us to a "strange" store where they apparently sell animal slaves. I'm pretty sure we don't have stores like that around here.

We're walking down the streets of New York, being led by Thor to the store. Loki is mad because we had to wear "hideously disgusting midgardian clothing" as he calls it. 

"THERE IS THE STORE OF ANIMAL SLAVES!" Thor announces fairly loud like usual. I look at the store he's talking about and begin to uncontrollably laugh.

"Thor, that's a pet store! They aren't slaves!" I say laughing even more.

Then I look in the window of the store and see a bunch of puppies/kittens. My favorite kind of puppy/kitten is right by the window. (You choose what breed it is. Obviously.)

Instantly I run inside leaving Loki to mock Thor while I get to pet the precious puppy/kitten. The worker asks if I want to hold it and I immediately accept the offer. "Hi cute little one!" I say talking to the animal in my arms. It barks/meows back quietly.

"Amazing! She harnesses the power to speak to animals!" Thor exclaims from behind me. "I've never seen this done in person!" Loki adds in.

I laugh some more. "I can't understand it and it probably can't understand me. You weirdos." I say putting the puppy/kitten back in the cage.

"I was just talking to it because I wanted to. It's my favorite breed of dog/cat." I finish what I was saying and look back at the small animal.

"Then we shall have many of them when we get our kingdom." Loki says. I smile at him and we leave the store. Thor calls for Heimdallr to bring us back to Asgard, and within seconds, we are there.

Using magic Loki changes my clothes into a fancy Asgardian dress and his into his armor.

"Well are you going to change my clothing, brother?" Thor asks him. Loki only replies with an evil grin and he leads me out of the Bifrost and to some horses that were waiting for us.

Thor only sighs and requests to be sent back to the Stark towers so he can retrieve his armor.

"You're so mean to him. It's hilarious." I say to Loki. He just smiles even more at this.

When we get to the palace, we are immediately led to the throne room, to be told of our kingdom. Loki grabs my hand and his thoughts are so loud I can't ignore them.

"It will not be a beautiful kingdom, but it will not be awful. Odin is going to give us a palace that rules over a city of  Asgardians that have left Asgard." Loki is thinking too much about this. Sure, everything he thought was true. But he's worrying too much. We'll be fine.

When we arrive at the foot of Odins large throne, he immediately begins talking.

"Welcome back. I hope you both enjoyed your trip. The palace is ready and the people know you both are coming, and they are excited. I have decided to give you the colony of Asgardians who fled when Loki was locked away. They are the many people who supported your ways. I figured that would be the best place for you to be." Odin explains.

"But. The thing I know you will not like, is the location. It is a large city with a large palace... On Niflhiem." He finishes.

"Why there?! It's all foggy and cold and barren!" Loki starts getting angry. He looked pleased that the people he would rule were his own followers but he hates the location.

"Yes, Loki. It is cold and foggy and barren, but, the community is thriving. They built everything in large natural cave systems and have figured out a way to grow food and there is a large water supply. It is the best I could do, my son." Odin says the last part with a wicked smile, knowing it would piss Loki off.

"When will we be going there?" Loki asks wanting to get this conversation over with.

"Right now. Your things have been transported and I was sure to have a large library built in the palace for you." Odin says the word library as if it is the name of an enemy.

Then he gestures for the guards to escort us back to the Bifrost so we could leave right away.

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