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End of smut lmao. Maybe I'll add more later but i doubt it.

Your pov.

I wake up tangled in the silky sheets of the bed. After looking to my side, I realize I'm alone. Memories of what had happened the night before flood my mind and I blush at the thought of what Loki and I had done.

I sit up and put on my undergarments, that had been thrown on the floor, and open the closet to get out a simple day dress. As I'm putting the dress on Loki enters the room with a big grin on his face.

"Hello darling. How did you sleep?" He asks me.

"I slept good. What's with the big smile?" I ask in response. He sits on the edge of the bed and excitedly says "After we return from Midgard, we are going to be getting our own palace!"

I stand back in shock. Our own palace. I could've never imagined. Then I remember that we have to go to earth for Tony's 'special party' he's hosting for us, that I think is really just an excuse for him to have sexy ladies around him all night.

I smile at Loki and he stands taking my hand.

"Come. We shall eat breakfast and then be on our way to Midgard. I've already had our things sent to the Avengers Tower." He says, pulling me into the hall.

When we enter the dining room, Thor loudly greets us from across the room. "Brother! Lady(y/n)! Come sit with us!" He yells. Thor, the avengers, lady Sif, and the Warriors three are all crowded around a table filled with various kinds of foods, mostly meats.

We make our way over and sit with them. Everyone continues their conversations and Tony, who is seated beside me, nudges me and leans towards me. "So. How was your night?" He whispers to me with a wink. I just blush.

Tony chuckles and continues eating, while starting a conversation with someone else.

After breakfast we all make our way to the Bifrost and head off to earth. I don't know if I really want to deal with a party right now. And considering the fact that the Avengers Tower is in New York, I'm assuming most of the guests won't be happy that it's for Loki.

Once we arrive at the tower Tony shows us to our room and everyone goes off to do their own thing. The party is tomorrow night so I have no idea what I'm going to do until then.

Under Steves strict orders, Loki is not permitted to leave the tower, because no one trusts him to. I understand why they do it but they could at least be nice about it.

As soon as Tony leaves the room I collapse onto the large bed. Traveling has always exhausted me, but traveling from other worlds was even worse.

"Come on darling. I wish to go practice my fighting skills against Thor in the training room." Loki says to me. I don't move an inch. "Go without meeeeeee" I say burying my head under a pillow.

How does he have so much energy. "I don't want to leave your side though." He says back. I sigh and get up walking slowly behind him as he makes his way to the training room.

Thor is already there and he looks excited to see Loki enter the room.

I flip down on a bench and close my eyes. "Make it fast im tired" I say to Loki.

"Yea do what your lady says." Someone calls out from on top of a pillar in the room. I open my eyes to see its the one and only Hawk Eye, aka Clint.

He jumps down and sits next to me while Thor and Loki begin to fight. "So. Why'd you come along with him if you didn't want to?" Clint asks me. "I was forceddddd. Life is so hard." I say jokingly.

He grins and gets up to leave.

Not even ten seconds after the door closes behind Clint, does someone get smashed into it. I turn my head to see who it was that got thrown across the room to see Loki laying on the ground.

"Oh my gosh!" I yell running to his side. He's being held down by Thor's hammer. Thor chuckles and takes his hammer off of Loki's chest, and looks down at him, offering a hand up.

Loki takes it. "You should never underestimate the power of the all mighty Thor!" Thor says rather loudly, proud of being the winner.

Loki rolls his eyes and takes my hand. "Can I finally go sleep now?" I ask him. He nods his head and leads me down the hall to our room.

The doors to the training room had glad on them, which had shattered in the fight, and a piece of it had cut the side of Loki's arm. The rest of him was fine thanks to armor.

"You need to let me clean that cut." I say to him when we get to the room. It's not bleeding bad but if it gets infected it'll be bad.

He just sighs and let's me. I grab the first aid kit and gently wrap up his arm where it was cut.

Finally I can sleep!

I fall back on to the bed and get under the covers. Just as I'm about to fall asleep a strong arm wraps around my side. I smile and snuggle against him. Then I drift into dream land.

Loki x reader ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now