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Two days later.

The kingdom Loki and I live in has it's own version of a Bifrost. It is small compared to the one in Asgard, but it does the job right. Right now we are standing inside of it, waiting to be transferred to Earth. Loki is moody about us going to Earth. He's also upset about the fact that we will be staying in the Stark Towers, in the same hall as the Avengers rooms are in. He is excited for one thing though; making everyone uncomfortable. His exact words were: "Now when we get it on they all get to listen to you screaming my name!" Typical Loki.

We haven't decided on how long we will be staying. There is no chance anyone will attack our kingdom while we're gone confiding Loki's threats made to everyone, and his brutality. But I doubt we will stay long considering how much he hates the Avengers.

Time skip brought to you by slow updates ;)

"I will never get used to that." I cling onto Loki's arm as we arrive on the balcony at Stark Towers. He knows I don't like traveling when we have to use the Bifrost but it's the only way to get here so I kinda have to.

Loki has a straight face. Anyone could tell he doesn't want to be here.

"(Y/n)! You made it!" Tony comes waltzing down the balcony toward us with Bruce and Clint on either side of him.

Loki sighs deeply in anger, because he hates being ignored.

"You should bow down. You are in the presence of a King." Loki says half in a serious tone, half jokingly. At least he's trying to be funny.

"I hope I won't have to slam you into any floors while you're here." Bruce jokes. Loki sends him a death glare.

"Anywayyyyy.. Tony, where will we be sleeping?" I ask, changing the subject. Clint instantly perks up.

"Follow me!" He says happily, before turning to re-enter the tower. I give Tony and Bruce a questioning look.

"Steve told everyone to be nice and act cheerful around you guys so we don't have to have another war." Tony whispers to me.

"Makes sense. I see Clint took that command a little too seriously."

Before Tony can sneak in a joke of some kind that would piss Loki off, Loki pulls me by the arm into the towers.

"We better have a nice room, or I'm destroying this tower again."

"Loki, I know you're not happy to be here but please play the part."

I sound like an angry mother right now.

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