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I know this is long awaited. I lost inspiration but I know some of you still read this so I guess I'll try updating it

Being pregnant was one of the most enjoyable yet annoying things anyone could experience. Nothing exciting has happened in the 3 months since the party Loki threw, the only changes were my weight and mood.

As hard as it is to believe, Loki was beginning to get on my nerves with him treating me as though I will break with the slightest touch. To escape his eye I hide around in the garden or the library.

"(Y/n)! Where have you run off to!!!" Loki sounds concerned. "(Y/n)! Now isn't the time for games I need to get you to safety!" He comes running around the corner to where I'm sitting, reading a book about magic and whatnot.

"What happened Loki? Is everything okay?" I ask calmly. I'm assuming he probably just wants to know where I am.

"(Y/n), you must come with me now. And don't argue me about this. We're under attack." He grabs me and we teleport to a random ship. I know it's serious now, because I've made it very clear to Loki that he was not to teleport me because it made me so sick to the stomach now that I was pregnant.

"Stay here. Thor and his friends will protect you. I love you." Before I can protest, he is gone to fight whoever it is that's attacking us.

"Thor! You better tell me what's going on right now or I'll take looks staff and shove it up your a--" I am interrupted by a crash.

"Lady (y/n), the frost giants are angry that Loki has turned his back from them, and a gang of them have come to fight. It's nothing he can't handle. My brother is just... protective of you." I know Loki can handle it... but I have a terrible feeling in my gut that something will go wrong.

Two hours later

"Thor you said he'd be back now!" I am getting emotional now. The concern for my husband grows stronger by the minute, when all of the sudden a few of Loki's men come running onboard the ship, holding something..

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2017 ⏰

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