Part 1

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Thank you for so many reads! It's at almost 1,000 , holy crap. Thank you and I love you.

The day is finally here! I've been waiting for this day for months! It's November tenth and I'm going to London today so I can camp out for the Catching Fire premiere! I grab my bag and my book and go out the door, shaking with excitement.

I arrive at my friend Hannah's house and she runs out the door screaming with a huge smile on her face. We fangirl the whole drive. When we get to the square, we get out of the car and get in line so we can set up our tent.

"Maddie, oh my god! I can't believe we are second in line!" Hannah screams at me.

We set up our tent and I start to get the sandwiches out for dinner. Right when we start eating, we see a few of the cast members coming to meet the fans! Stephanie, Bruno, Alan, and Jena! We get our picture with them and get our books signed!

"All of my dreams are coming true," I say.

Hannah nods and sighs, "Just one more day."

I go in the tent, grab my blanket and somehow, I find sleep. 

I wake to screaming, I groan and hit Hannah in the head with a pillow. She screams and we laugh. We get out of the tent and take turns going to the bathroom to get ready. After we get ready, Hannah puts our bags and the tent in the car while I save our spot in line. We get our wristbands and tickets and go to the red carpet area when they open the gates.

About an hour later the cast starts arriving! First it's more of the minor characters, like Lenny and Jena. Then, Jennifer, Sam, Liam, and Josh arrive! I get pictures with all of them and get their autographs! When Josh starts to walk away, someone shoves me over the fence and I land on top of him!

Security pulls me off and I apologize, right as I look back towards Hannah, I see the evil grin on her face. She did it. Josh cracks a few jokes and he escorts me, himself, to the theater. He lets me get front row. When the movie starts, he sits beside me and puts his arm around me. Am I not the luckiest girl in the world?

I cry in some moments and laugh in others. When the movie is over, Josh gives me his number and gets security to escort me to my car. When I get where I parked, I remember that Hannah has my keys. The car is gone.

"And she took my damn car! Shit, of course!" I mumble.

I here a rumbling laugh behind me and I turn and see Josh behind me.

"I'll take you home, where too?"

"I live four hours away, god, every hotel is booked too."

"I have an extra bed in my room, you can stay with me," he tells me.

I'm staying with Josh Hutcherson. Act natural Maddie, totally natural. We get in the limo and when we arrive at Josh's hotel, the fans are everywhere.

"I guess, I should have confirmed this earlier, but don't try anything on me tonight," he says to me.

"Oh, no worries there.. I'm not that kind of person," I say.

"Here's some clothes, the bathroom is over by the table," he says as he hands me a t-shirt and shorts. I nod and go change.

I hear a nock on the door, "You want any room service?" Josh asks.

"No, but thank you."

When I get out of the bathroom Josh is on his bed, in just his boxers, going through the TV channels.

"So, tell me about yourself," he says.

This question always makes me nervous. Everything is wrong, my life has been horrible.

"Well, I'm from the states, Tennessee, originally. My mom was murdered when I was 14, my dad went to prison because he did marijuana.. So I moved here with my aunt, she's who I live with now." I continue, "I'm 20, but I haven't really found a need to move out. I'd have nowhere to go if I did. I'm studying online, I graduate next year... Nothing really special about me." I finish with tears in my eyes.

"I'm so sorry," Josh says as he pulls me into a hug.

My face is literally pressing against Josh Hutcherson's bare chest. He hops in my bed with me and holds me close until I fall asleep.

My dad is hovering over me, knife in hand. I hear my mom scream as she tries to stop him. I see the knife go down. Pain. Agony. Again and again. I barely make out my mom trying to get to me. My dad throws her down, shoving the knife into her chest. Seven times.

I feel someone shaking me, I opened my eyes and see Josh looking at me with worried eyes. He wraps his arms around me, pulling me into a hug as I sob into his chest.

"I've got you, I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you."

He whispers, "Lay back down, I'll protect you."

I lay down and close my eyes, hoping to somehow find sleep.

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