Part 6

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I flinch and jump out of bed, ignoring the pain.

Josh runs in the room, "We have to run," he says.

He grabs his large pocket knife, hands me a pistol and he grabs my hands pulling me behind him. We jump in his car.

"What the hell is going on?" I ask in a raised voice.

"A guy came in, he said he wants you..." He hesitates.

I scream, "Who was it?!"

"Your dad," I start shaking as I remember everything he's done. How did he get out of jail? How did he find me? Why does he want me?

"Maddie, I'm not going to let him hurt you."

*Josh's POV*

I hear the door sling open, I stand as I see a man walk in with a gun.

"Where is my daughter?" He screams.

"Put the gun down," I tell him calmly.

He fires at the window, let me have her or I'll kill you. I run and get Maddie.

"What the hell is going on?" She asks me.

I tell her, "A guy came in, he said he wants you... It was your dad."

She starts trembling.

"Maddie, I'm not going to let him hurt you."

We drive all the way to Colorado, we stop for gas, food, and bathroom. Another 21 hours until Kentucky. We finish and start driving again.

I don't know how I do it, but I drive all 21 hours. When we get to my parents house, we collapse in my old bed.

When I wake, I notice Maddie is crying.

"Babe, come here. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you."

 She nods and cuddles up closer to me. Her head lifts up to look at me right in the eyes.

"I love you," she whispers.

She puts her mouth to mine and we get lost in each other...

I open my eyes when I hear the door open.

"Joshua Ryan Hutcherson! You come home with a girl and don't even tell us? You are supposed to be in California," my mom yells.

"Let us get dressed, then we can talk about it," I tell her.

*Maddie's POV*

Josh and I dress in silence. As we walk out, he pulls me in for a hug. I rest my head on his chest and breathe in his scent, he plays with my hair. I try not to cry, but the tears come. I thought I would never have to see him again, my dad. But he showed up, wanting to get me back. The terror I feel at any thought of him, it hurts. I begin trembling, the fear over taking me.

"I can't do this anymore," I cry out. "It hurts so much to know, someone who you thought loved you, kills your mother. He put me through so much! I can't even blink without seeing the knife go in her chest. That's all I can see and all I feel is the pain."

He carries me back in his bedroom and sets me on the bed.

"I won't let him hurt you, you know that. I will always protect you," he says.

He leans up to my ear, "This will be hard, I know, but I haven't even seen your scars, I only look at your eyes." I pull away, shaking slightly, and pull up my shirt, slide my pants down. I stand there with tears in my eyes, Josh taking me in. I don't have many scars on my legs, just a few burns marks. I have several scars on my torso. Burn marks, cut scars, stab marks, uneven skin from when the doctors tried to repair it.

Josh grabs my hands, "I love you, your scars show me how strong you are. They're a part of you, that I know you don't want. They show not only your strength, but your courage. And I go insane for a courageous girl like you."

Our lips meet only for a few seconds before I pull back and tell him, "We need to go talk to your family."

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