Part 3

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With Josh's help, I find a perfect outfit for the audition. During the four hour drive home, we just talk. I don't know if it's just me, but it seemed like every chance Josh had to make skin contact with me, he did. When we arrive, Josh walks me to the door.

"Thank you for everything. You're amazing," I tell him as I hug him.

"Maddie, if you have a nightmare tonight or just need to talk, call or text me, okay?" He says with a serious face.


I tell him bye and walk inside. The second I step in, I know that Aunt Grace is upset. She always is upset, she just takes it out on me.

"Get your fucking ass in here!" She screams.

I drop my bags and walk into the kitchen.

"You, don't scare me like that ever again!" She yells.

"You talked to me this morning, you knew I was okay," I say.

Apparently she doesn't have a good comeback, so she grabs my wrist and leads me to my room. She ties me to the bed, gets a match and a knife.

Everyday, every single day I go through this pain. She cuts my back first, then lights the match and holds the fire up to it. I cry and cry. When she is done, she walks out as if nothing had happened and locks me in here. I go to my bathroom and get the peroxide and a wash cloth. I clean my back the best I can, take a freezing cold shower, and climb in my bed. Somehow, I fall asleep still feeling pain.


My phone rings. It's 3 in the morning.

I answer, "Hey, what's wrong?"

"I can't do it anymore, I'm in so much pain, please help me get away," Maddie cries into the phone.

"What happened?"

 "Come get me, she's asleep, I'll explain it later."

 The pain her voice is killing me. I jump out of bed and get my driver and we speed our way to her house. When we get there, I call Maddie back and she opens her window and runs to me.

We go back to the car and she cries in my arms the whole ride back. When we get back into my hotel room, I ask her what's wrong. She turns around and slowly pulls her shirt over her head. Her back is covered, in bruises, burns, and scars.

"My dad did this," she points to a deep scar in her stomach, "My mom tried to stop him from hurting me and he killed her." She chokes back a sob, "My aunt has been cutting and burning me since I moved. She wouldn't let me leave," she says.

I walk over to her and pull her as tight as I can to my chest.

"I promise, I'll never let anyone hurt you again." I tell her.

She looks into my eyes, I look into hers. I cup my hands around her face. I press my lips against hers, not for long, but long enough to show her that I truly mean it.

"Will you, Maddie Laura Hanchey, be my girlfriend?"


We kiss and I don't think we ever slow down.


When I wake, Josh and I are tangled in each other. I realize that we are both naked, then I remember last night. I smile and kiss Josh awake.

"Good morning babe," he says is his raspy morning voice, "I have to fly to L.A. today, you're coming, right?" He asks.

"I have no clothes and barely any money," I sigh.

"Don't worry about it, I'll take care of it," he says.

"You're amazing," I tell him as I lay my head on his bare chest.

He put his arm around me and we just lay there. At 3p.m. we head to the airport. Security weeds the fans out. One thing I notice is that Josh is making gestures, out in public giving people the open idea that we are dating. He has held my hand since the second we got through the first security. After going security a million times and getting the bags, we are finally in the plane, flying over the Atlantic.

"That guy is freaking eye raping me," I whisper to Josh in an annoyed voice.

"Babe, we'll switch seats," he says back.

We switch seats and I cuddle up into Josh's side. He kisses my fore head and rest his lips there. I feel him tense up and I look at him. I follow his eyes to find that that man is still staring at me.

"Just stay by my side when we get off the plane. I swear to God if he comes close to you I'll kill him."

Josh pulls me even closer to him, (I'm practically on his lap)

"Wait, couldn't you get first class?" I ask Josh.

"I got the tickets too late," he replies.

I look up at him right as he is looking down at me. He smiles and leans down, he places his lips on mine. We make out for a good five minutes until the flight attendant comes over. My phone light turns on and it's my aunt. I have to remember to change my number. I busy myself with the magazine's provided until I hear,

"Prepare to land, seat belts on, electronic devices off while descending down, please."

I hear Josh's voice in my ear, "Remember to stay by my side."

I grab his hand and as soon as we get the thumbs up, we walk out. When we are getting our bags we see the man again. Josh pulls me closer to him and grumbles a few curse words.

His body guard gets the bags and we leave. Josh's car is in the back parking lot, so we have to walk for ages.

"I've never been to L.A.," I say.

"I promise, you'll love it," Josh says. As we drive down the highway, I realize everything I left behind...

I don't regret a thing.

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