Part 8

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I'm released from the hospital on Christmas Eve. Since I have no money, I decide to be creative with Josh's gift. I just get a piece of paper and write some notes down, I'm going to tell him what he means to me. His parents already know about the baby, so Josh and I can be completely free at the house. I have to have my cast on for one month and I have to make sure my stitches are healing properly on my arm.

I help Michelle cook part of the Christmas dinner, but I end up nauseous from the smells.

"Go relax, you don't need to be up on that foot anyway," she assures me.

I notice that Josh touches my stomach at every possible second. Christmas Eve goes by quick and on Christmas morning, it feels magical. Josh hands me two boxes, I open the first one and gasp. It's a simple chain necklace, 24 karat gold, inlaid with 18 karat diamonds.

"Oh my god, Josh, thank you, I love you."

I unwrap the next gift, I open the box and tears come to my eyes. Two pairs of newborn booties, one blue and one pink. One pair will never be used. I hug Josh and he grips me so tight as if life depended on it. Now it's my turn to give Josh my gift, I get the paper our of my pocket and begin.

"I just wrote this, because I just came home yesterday and I don't have any money. Josh, You have always inspired me to be who I am. I always thought of you as one of those motivational speakers, you give people the hope and faith that everything is okay. Since the premiere, we've been through a lot together and we're about to go through even more. You are the most amazing boyfriend that I could ever wish for and you are going to make an even better dad. I love you."

Josh is crying, but he has a huge grin on his face.

"I love you too," he tells me.

During lunch, when Josh is pouring the wine, he skips over not only my glass, but his too.

"Josh, why aren't you drinking?" I ask him.

"If you can't drink, I'm not going to either."

A small smile tugs at the corners of my lips. Chris toasts the dinner and we begin. When we finish eating, I'm stuffed to the core. At sunset, we go outside and sit by the fire. I fall asleep on Josh's shoulder.

When I finally wake up, I'm in a plane. Josh is asleep beside me, his hand resting on my stomach. I don't remember leaving Kentucky at all, god, I must have been tired. Josh wakes up and kisses me, his hand rubs my stomach the rest of the flight. The paparazzi seem fewer, since it's holiday season, so we can walk through the airport unguarded.

For weeks all we do is sleep. I get up only to shower, eat, and in the mornings to throw up. I get my cast off, stitches taken out, and now comes the time to see our baby on the ultrasound for the first time. Josh grabs my hand as the doctor rubs the gel on my stomach. I see a small figure appear on the screen and gasp. I look at Josh and see in his eyes, that he accepts it, he loves it, and he's never going to let it go anywhere.

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