Part 16

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****Josh's POV****

I slide a knitted hat on Maddie's head as we walk out of the hospital. This late October evening is quite cold for someone so weak. I push her wheelchair to the car and help her in. When I get in the car, she is smiling for the first time in months. She shivers so I turn the heat up.

"Are you hungry?" I ask her.

"A little," she stares at me.

I feel a gentle bony hand around mine and smile. I can't believe she is here. She's okay, she's safe, she's my wife. And I will do anything to keep her safe.

"Josh." She whispers, "Was I really dying?"

I suck in breath and nod,

"But you're okay now."

I see a tear escape her eye as I park in the driveway.

I open her door,

"Babe, don't cry, you're okay now."

She wraps her arms around me and sobs into my chest. My heart just shattered into a million pieces, I can't see her cry.

I carry her bridal style to the couch and lay down beside her.

She leans into me and relaxes. I fall asleep holding her in my arms.

****Maddie's POV****

"I'm not going to a support group!" I yell at Josh.

"It'll be nice, you can make friends who know what you're going through," he says.

"Yes, and we all know the ending to that story! I make a friend, we get close, they get sick, and die, then I'm back where I started!" I slam the bedroom door in his face.

I don't care if it seems like I'm acting childish. I've been through a lot the past 6 months and it's hard to accept it all. I didn't even ask to get married! I know he loves me and I love him, but I wanted to wait! I don't remember our first kiss after marriage! I don't remember anything! All I know is that I am a sick girl who can't have kids. And it ruins me. It feels like something is stabbing me in the chest.

Tears are running down my cheeks as I step in the shower, all my clothes still on, and sink into a sitting position. I throw the shampoo and soap bottles as hard as I can against the tile wall. I scream and yell and cry.

"God, why me?" I yell, "Why does is have to be me? I never did anything! I didn't ask for this!"

I'm crying so hard, I can barely catch my breath.

Then I see him. The man, who despite my illness, still loves me. He is crouching down by the counter holding his head in his hands. I see his shoulders shaking.

"Josh," is all I have to say.

He runs to me, steps in the shower and kisses me. We are clothed and in the shower and crying, but it's the first kiss since I'm better, that I felt something. The kiss deepens into a blissful dream.


I wake up feeling crushed and exhausted. Then I realize that I'm still in the running shower, with Josh on top of me snoring. I feel a little pain and cry out. He wakes up and turns off the water, then he carries me to the bed.

"You look tired," I nod.

"I have the People's Choice Awards tomorrow, do you want to come?"

I smile,

"Of course!"

We decide to go dress shopping a boutiques, to find things that can fit my tiny body. I need something small, light, and with straps. I walk out in a sky colored chiffon, knee length, flowy gown with sleeves. I buy jewelry, shoes, a handbag, and a head wrap to go with the dress.

The next day I wake up with an excited smile on my face. Josh took me out for lunch and after that we began to get ready. I did light makeup and slipped my head wrap on and grabbed Josh's hand.

"Just smile, don't answer questions if you don't feel like it. If you start to get dizzy or feel weak, just tell me... I love you." Josh says as we step out of the limo.

He grabs my waist and smiles, so I do the same. I stay by his side during interviews, only answering when he nods my way. At five o'clock we are seated in the third row beside Jennifer Lawrence and Nicholas Hoult. Rebel Wilson does a great job hosting! When she says, That Josh won the Most Inspiring and Best Supporting Actor, he kisses me before going onstage.

"I'd like to thank my fans! Without you, this wouldn't be possible, your support in these past months has been incredible. Thank you Francis, Nina, Suzanne, and all of the cast for baring with me and my schedule. Most of all I want to thank my beautiful wife, Maddie, you are the inspiring one here. I dedicate this awards to you. I love you."

I smile as I am escorted out to walk the press hall with him. I see him being interviewed with E! News. When he notices me, he stops the interviews and motions for me to come to him. I walk as fast as I can and jump up to kiss him,

"I'm so proud of you."

He finishes his interview and we leave after saying goodbye to Jennifer and Nick.

This was huge filler chapter, but I cried while editing it! Thanks for your support and don't forget to vote!

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