Part 20

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As we arrive in Kentucky, Josh and I both shiver with excitement.

"You ready for this?" He asks me worriedly.

"Yeah... I'm okay. What if there are complications? What then?"

"There won't be complications, get that out of your head."

He unlocks the door to his parents house and we are engulfed in hugs and tears.

"Cancer free?" Connor asks me.

I nod and pull him into a hug. Josh puts our bags upstairs and we get ready for dinner.

"Dear Lord, thank you for letting us all be together as a family, thank you for letting Maddie be cancer free, please bless this food for the nourishments of our bodies. Through Jesus we pray, amen." Chris blesses the food.

Josh stands and fills the glasses with wine- mine with water- and says, "A toast to my wonderful family, soon to be one soul bigger."

Michelle gasps and Connor spits out his drink into his plate. Chris just continues eating, he didn't even catch it!

"How? I thought they were removed," Michelle asks.

"They do transplants now," I answer her.

"I'm going to cry," she exclaims.

Chris looks up and sees Josh's hands on my stomach and spits his food all over the table. We move to the formal dining room and finish eating.

I go upstairs to change into my pajamas and end up kneeling in front of the toilet puking my guts out. Josh walks into the bathroom and leans down beside me. He pats my back and gasps when blood starts coming up. When I feel like I've puked up everything out of my body, I lean back into Josh's chest and sigh.

"The blood was supposed to stop by now, Josh," I whisper.

"You're okay, maybe it's just something you ate," he suggests.

He flushes the toilet and helps me up.

I collapse onto the bed and I here Josh grumble a laugh and feel him lay on top of me. He doesn't put any weight on my stomach.

"Ugh, I forgot to tell you, my doctor said no sex while I'm pregnant," I giggle.

"I hate your doctor," he grumbles.

He pecks me on the lips and plops down beside me. I feel his hand moving toward my stomach.

"Don't you dare tickle me," I squeal.

"Can I feel my child? Gosh woman," he smiles.

"Why not, Joshua, ugh," I grin.

He rests his hand on my stomach for a few minutes. That's when he starts tickling me!

"Damn you, Joshua Ryan Hutcherson," I laugh.

"Damn you," he mimics.

I swat his hands away playfully and lean in to kiss him. He kisses me back and I feel his smile against my mouth.

"What?" I ask him.

"Nothing. I'm just happy," he answers.


I open my eyes and feel Josh's heart beat through his chest. I take a shower and my morning sickness medication. When I notice that my hair is starting to grow in a little, I smile. Josh walks into the bathroom and kisses me good morning. I use the bathroom as he starts the water for his shower.

"Babe, you're starting to show! You're beautiful," he smiles.

"Josh, I'm peeing," I sigh.

"Well my point was that I can see our baby."

"Fine," I snap as I wash my hands.

I slam the door as I walk out. What am I so mad at? Yay, hormones. I start crying as I hang up my towels, what is wrong with me? I hate this feeling.

Josh walks out in his towel and sees me crying..

"Maddie," he starts.

I latch onto him and sob. He hugs me close to him. His arms cradle me and push me to him. This man, is all I have, all I need. He protects me and comforts me in every situation. He loves me for me and I am beyond grateful to have him in my life.

He slightly pulls away and looks at me. He knows it's hormones, because this has happened before. He kisses me before he gets up and gets dressed. We linger upstairs a while before going down.

"I forgot about planning the ceremony, do you just want to do something small here maybe? Like at a farm or something?" I ask Josh.

He smiles, "That'd be perfect, I can get Andre a flight to come tomorrow. You and mom can go get your lady frill, dress thingy or whatever today. I can get the cake, Connor, Dad, and Amanda can set it up." I smile brightly and peck his lips.

We walk downstairs and suggest our plan to the family. They all seem beyond excited and within the hour Michelle and I are out the door.

"You are like the daughter I've always wanted." She tells me, "I had three miscarriages after Connor."

"I'm sorry. That is the worst feeling in the world, I wouldn't wish it on anyone."


I've tried on seven dresses so far, I'm in another now. This dress is like the Kate Middleton dress. I look in the mirror and tears spring into my eyes. The lady opens the door and I walk out to show Michelle and she starts crying too.

"Sweetie, for you, we can attach a veil onto a classic head band. Would that be good?"

I nod, speechless.

They put the veil on me and Michelle has to get up to get tissues because she is crying so hard.

"Is this your dress?"

"Yes! This is my dress!"

She hugs me and says how proud she is of me. After a few minutes, I change into my other clothes and pay for the dress.

We arrive home and hide the dress in the master bed room.

"Goodness, I need some food," I say as I open the fridge and grab a pickle.

Josh walks in and smiles as he sees me. He takes a bite of my pickle and I playfully hit his arm. I look over and see Michelle grinning at us.

"How's our baby?" He asks resting his hands on my stomach.

"Perfect today,"

"How is my big mama?"

I almost choke on my pickle, I laugh so hard.

"Big mama is doing just fine."

He kisses me and neither of us can take each other seriously at the moment so we start laughing. We plop down on the couch, my back pressed against his stomach. I swear we are both snoring within seconds.

Early update! Please vote and comment to show your support! -xx taylor

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