Part 11

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*Josh's POV*

I walk out of my house and don't stop. I don't know where I'm going, but I keep walking. After about ten minutes, I crouch down and take a shaky breath. I get the pills out of my pocket and look at them. Just a few swallows, then I'm gone. I open the bottle and hold the pills to my mouth.




*Maddie's POV*

Ignoring the pain, I follow Josh. He is going way too fast, but I follow him. He stops, in the middle of the street, crouching down. I watch him from behind a bush as he takes the bottle of pills out of his pocket.

He holds all of the pills up to his mouth and I can barely hear him whisper, "One, two, three."

As the last word escapes his lips, I jump out scattering the pills everywhere.

"I love you, please don't leave me," I shout. I fall onto him and say, "Don't leave me, please, you're all I have."

"I never meant to hurt you," he whispers.

I nod as I get up, he stands up after me, we walk back to the house hand in hand. We never go back to sleep, we just talk about what we've been feeling. We figure out that the reason we were both so depressed was because of the baby.

We are cuddling on the couch when he looks at me, he cups my face in his hands and kisses me. I thought I just missed Josh, but I missed him because I need him. I can't live without him. The next day, Josh tells me that we are going out for lunch. We do, but not before he takes me to a jeweler store.

"A promise ring, for you, my love," Josh says.

He tells me to spend no less than $3,000 so we decide on one together.

He slips it on my finger and we both leave the store with tear filled eyes. We walk on the beach, hand in hand. He pushes me into the water and grabs my waist. I jump on his back, which pushes him down. We fight in the water until we're drenched, then we get in his car.

When we get home, we hear a dog bark.

"What in gods name is going on?" Josh says.

He pulls me closer to him. Driver runs around the corner.

"I'm calling the cops," I say, grabbing my phone.

The cops arrive and find nothing when they scope the house.

"We will leave a few deputies out guarding, for your safety," The cop tells us.

We take Driver to the vet and everything is perfect.

"Josh, why would they want the dog?" I ask him.

"That question troubles me," he answers.

I sigh and relax into the seat of Josh's Jeep, hoping to find some sort of relief of this pressure that I'm feeling. Closing my eyes just brings on flashbacks, opening them brings life's struggles, but then I think. Which is a terrible mistake. I think about where I would be right now if I hadn't lost the baby. I'd be holding my little girl in my arms at this very moment, but now it's just a fantasy.

I'm on the verge of a complete mental breakdown, I try to fend off the tears because I need to stay strong for Josh. I look up at him, only to find that he, himself is crying. Now, I can't stop the tears, Josh pulls off the side of the road and we sit there, sobbing.

"I know that we aren't married, but we should do it, it would help us," he whispers.

"You mean try, don't you? Try for a baby?" I ask.

He nods.

"Babe, what if we lose it again? I can't deal with the constant fear of losing another child," I begin, before I finish, Josh leans over and kisses me, "If... If you get pregnant, there is always going to be fear. But think, can't you just think that at the end of that fearful road, we will be holding our beautiful child in our arms."

I smile, feeling hope for the first time in a while.

When we arrive home, we decide that we will make our start early... We don't hesitate to start 'trying'.

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