Part 15

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"I don't know if she will ever come out of the coma. I believe she is strong enough to do it, but it depends on if her heart will allow her to live."

I only hear bits and pieces of what the doctor is telling me. I wonder if he gives all the patients families this little pep talk. It's obvious Maddie is dying and it would be easier to accept it if I didn't have to go through pep talks from a million people everyday.

I've had security chase paparazzi off the roof of the fucking building. My fans mobbing the hospital, it is complete chaos. This is the first time I wished I was normal. Not an actor. Just a normal guy, who has a family. A guy who can be hurting without everyone that walks by telling me 'She'll get better' or 'Don't worry'. All that does is remind me of my hurt.

Last week, I went home for the first night since Maddie was put in the hospital. I couldn't go to sleep, I just laid in bed sobbing, hoping for one more kiss where I could feel that stirring inside me. Where she was actually alive too, not lost in some world between life and death. I roamed the house when I was tired of laying in bed crying. Then I found that walking around, standing up even, put a huge weight on my shoulders. Like I'm having to hold a ton of rocks over my head.

My anti depressants aren't working. I don't know why I'm still paying for the little things. But I do, I guess because I'm hanging on to the hope that eventually they will work. But I'm no fool. I know that without Maddie, no amount of medicine or alcohol will erase the pain of loss. She is my life and without her, I am lost. I am afraid and lost. It's such a huge world and I feel like I'm baring the weight of it on my shoulders.

Francis has sent me emails and phone calls, the entire Mockingjay cast has tried to contact me. I don't answer, I don't reply. For all I care? I'm done with movies, with life. I want to die, I want to go, I want to leave and never come back to this filthy, painful earth ever again. But something is stopping me.

It's the slight caress of her fingertips on my shoulder when we kiss. It's her laugh, so sweet and gentle. It's her eyes, that sparkle like an ocean. Her big heart, so full of love. I soon find myself thinking of her lips. How they are so soft, so gentle during a passionate kiss, a passionate moment.

I have to see her eyes and her smile one more time. I need to hear her laugh one more time. I need to feel her lips against mine one more time. And little did I know... I would.

***Maddie's POV***

Sometimes, I hear voices. But one of them, makes me feel calm. I don't know whose it is, but I love it. I love whoever it is coming from. One time, the voice was whispering something to me. But this time, my mind doesn't shut down, it feel like an engine that hasn't worked in years is working again. I squint and open my eyes. I look up and find the keeper of that voice, it's my love. It's Josh, he is crying. I try to talk, but a tube is in my throat and a snort comes out.

Josh and a guy dressed in white - I guess a doctor - are looking at me. I try to move my arm, but I can't. Josh starts smiling as the doctor takes the tube out of my throat and changes the IV bag. I cough, so I take a sip of water. When I see blood in the glass, I start crying. Josh grabs my hand and squeezes it.

"Your cancer is gone. The chemo radioactive treatment isn't out of your system yet, explaining the blood." The doctor says.

I look down and realize that I'm pretty much skin and bones. I gulp. 

"In about 3 days, you are free to go. Stay in your wheelchair for at least one month, try and get a nice diet. I'll check up on you tomorrow."

When the door closes, I look at Josh.

"I'm so proud of you," he whispers with eyes full of tears.

He gently presses his lips to mine. I look at our joined hands and see two rings besides the promise ring on my finger, and a silver band on Josh's finger.

"When it got bad and we didn't think you'd make it, I wanted to have something that was ours. I wanted you to mine, even if just for a little while," He stutters.

"I know. I remember you putting the ring on my finger... It tickled."

He laughs and kisses me again.

"I love you wife."

"I love you husband."


I was feeling emotional at 12 in the morning so I threw this together. I was crying like a baby, but somehow I wrote it in only 45 minutes! It's not as long as I'd planned, but I wanted to post it. Please vote and comment!

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