Part 4

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When I see Josh's house, my jaw drops. It is huge, it's perfect.

"I'll let you decide, my room or the guest room. You know where I want you to stay though," Josh says with a chuckle.

"Why wouldn't I want to be with you?" I say as I lean in and kiss him.

"Babe, you're amazing. I know we've only known each other a few days, but I really feel something with you," he says with a big smile.

"Josh, you are everything I could ever ask for and a million times more," I say.

I take a step closer leaving no space between us.

"Girl, you drive me crazy," he mumbles as he cups my face in his hands.

He kisses me so passionately, it's as if we were going to die at that moment and we had to put all our last words into a kiss. I put one hand on his chest and wrap my other arm around his neck and grab his hair. He moves one of his arms, placing his hand on the small of my back. Like he is begging me to come impossibly closer. He pulls me to the couch and I rest on top of him. He slows down, so do I. We lay down on the couch, no space between us, and fall asleep.

*Josh's POV*

When I wake up, I notice that my phone has a million new texts and calls. I unlock my phone, making sure that the light doesn't shine in Maddie's face.

My texts read:

Jared: WTF man, check every gossip new site, you're verywhere 

Avan: Dude make sure the curtains are closed next time 

Connor: You should see the look on dads face

Andre: I'm here for you

I open Twitter and E! News, I'm trending on Twitter too. I check to see what this is about and then I see it. Pictures of me and Maddie making out are everywhere. Fuck. Who even took these? I have gates and camera's and my body guard. I go around and open all the curtains wide. If there is any movement, I'll see it.

I go to the bathroom and I'm in the hallway when I hear her scream. I run to her and see what's wrong. The guy from the plane is holding her, gun pointed at her head.

Tears spring to my eyes, "What do you want?" I ask him.

"Give me your dog or I kill her!" He screams.

"Why do you want the dog?" I ask getting upset.

"Give me the dog or lose the girls life," he screams, clicking the bullet into place. Maddie lets out a sob and a small scream.

"Driver!" I call out, he comes to me.

I lean down and pet him, hug him and hand him to the guy. I'm crying now and as he lets Maddie go he jerks her arm. Even I hear the crack, half a room away.

She screams my name and I run to her. I see the man walk out the door. She collapses in my arms and cries. I call 911 and hold Maddie in my arms, rocking her gently. I'm crying too, not only because of Maddie but because I don't know what is going to happen to Driver. I hear the sirens and see cops and EMTs come in. Maddie goes to the EMT first, while I'm getting questioned. They question Maddie then load her in the ambulance. On the ride to the hospital I can't do anything, but look at her.

"She has a severe fracture here in her rib, a compound fracture in her left ulna, and her ankle is sprained." The doctor tells me, "We will give her pain medication, put a temporary cast on her arm, a rib brace, and a medical boot."

I nod as I grab Maddie's hand, the way she squeezes it, I can tell she's in a lot of pain. When everything is ready, we leave. I had my driver bring the car. I help Maddie into the car and climb in beside her. She's asleep on my shoulder before we even get out of the parking lot.

I carry her inside and lay her on my bed, wrap her up in a blanket, and go take a shower. When I get out, I go into the kitchen and make spaghetti. I hear Maddie yell my name and I run to her.

"I can't get up," she says.

I grab her back for support and help her up. She walks to the kitchen and sees the dinner I have laid out for her.

"You are way too good to me," she whispers.

I kiss her and help her sit down.

"Babe, I do things like this, because I love you. I feel something with you that I've never felt with anyone before. You are everything I could ever want or need."

She gets tears in ger eyes as she says, "I love you too Josh. From the second I met you, you've been nothing but loving and caring. You accept me for my past and you make me feel whole."

She pulls my head over to hers with her good arm. She kisses me and I smile.

We eat dinner and then go out to the theater. I start Grown Ups 2 and Maddie lays down putting her legs on my lap. I rest my hand on her thigh, so she puts her good hand over mine. We laugh until we cry and at one point I had to get Maddie's pain medication because her rib was hurting. When it's over, I remember that I never told her about the pictures.

"Maddie, that guy took pictures of us making out last night.. They are everywhere, I forgot to tell you earlier."

"A nice welcoming to L.A..." She says, "I can't go to an audition like this, can I?"

"You can, but you probably won't get it. It doesn't matter how your acting is, if you're injured they won't take you."

 "You will get plenty of other opportunities. You can stay with me as long as you want, I'm not going to let you go back to England. I promise," I tell her.

I tuck a piece of hair behind her ear.

"I'm going to go to bed," she tells me.

I help her up and try to help support her back as she walks and lays down. I climb in bed beside her, wrap my arms around her, and fall asleep.

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