Part 2

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When I wake, I hear the shower. Josh must be in there. I vaguely remember last night, I must have been a mess. I hadn't had nightmares in 2 months. I hear the shower stop and a few minutes later, Josh walks out with a towel around his waist. I pretend to be asleep.

I can feel his stare. I open my eyes and see that my feelings were right. He was staring. He is fully dressed now; he comes over to me and kisses me on my forehead.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Sure.. I mean, yeah. I'm fine," I manage to get out.  

"As soon as you get ready, we can go get breakfast," he says.

I get up and walk to the bathroom and step in the shower...

"I don't have any press today, so if it's okay with you, we can hang out," he suggests.

Wait, what? Hang out? Am I considered his friend or a fan or what? A celebrity doesn't just randomly take his fans to hang out with them.

"Yeah, it's fine with me," I say. I grab my phone and we walk out the door.


Her eyes are the most beautiful things I've ever seen. They are hazel, but when you look close, you can see a tiny blue ring surrounding them. Her hair is the perfect shade of strawberry blonde and her body, she has the perfect figure. Not skinny, definitely not fat, she's perfect. Last night when she had that nightmare, it hurt me. I couldn't bare to see her like that. Now, she looks happy. But, I don't want to see her suffer at night, I will do everything that I can to make sure that she never suffers at night again.

"Josh, where do you want to go?" Maddie asks.

"I need to call my body guard and we can go when he gets here. I was thinking about this little place a few blocks away, they have pastries and fresh fruit," I answer.

I call my guard and as he comes into view, Maddie and I start walking. When fans start to come up, Maddie gets stiff so I grab her by the waist and she immediately relaxes. I know I have a guard but, I can't just ignore my fans. So I stop to get a few pictures and sign a few autographs. After a few minutes, my guard starts pushing them away. I grab Maddie's waist again and we walk the rest of the way.

"Vanilla French roast coffee and a fruit bowl," Maddie tells the waiter.

"I'll take the same."

"Josh, while you were with the fans my aunt called. A film company in L.A. is interested in hiring me for a role. I have to go audition next week," Maddie says.

"That's great! You can stay at my place, it'll save you a lot of money," I say.

"Really? Thank you so much! You're amazing," she says.

She gets up and comes over to hug me. I wrap my arms around her, my face in her hair.


I'm so excited for the audition! Josh decides that today, we are going shopping to find something good I can wear for it.

"I'm going to get a casual outfit for today, since these clothes are from yesterday," I tell Josh as we walk into a store.

I grab a pair of skinny jeans and a giant sweater; since I'm familiar with the sizes at this store, I go ahead and purchase them.

"I'll cover it, you go ahead and go change," Josh says.

I change into my new outfit and go out to Josh. We walk out of the store the same way as we walked in: hand in hand.

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