Part 7

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Connor walks in the room, "I ordered pizza," he says.

Josh comes in and turns on the XBox for him and Connor. They play until the pizza arrives, when we finish eating, my ankle is throbbing. Josh notices the pain in my eyes and gets me some pain killer.

"You okay?" Josh asks me.

I shrug. He lays on the couch beside me and covers us up with a blanket.

"Maddie, I know it's been hard for you." Josh starts, "But you still have to trust that someday, you'll be happy. Even if that day isn't today, you can focus on what you love and maybe that will make you happier than you've ever been."

"Josh, that means the only thing I'm going to focus on is you," I tell him.

"If that is what makes you happy, do it."

I laugh, "Josh, that sounded so sexual."

"I didn't mean for it to come out that way, I was trying to be serious," He laughs.

"I'm kidding!" I tell him, "But I'd be fine if it was sexual."

"I'm the luckiest man in the world."

Josh leans down and kisses my forehead. He reaches his hand down and squeezes my butt.

I sigh, "I want you, but I'm just in pain. I'm exhausted and sore."

He nods, but sneaks in a peck on my lips.

We are about to fall asleep when the alarm goes off.

"There is a gun in my closet, get dressed," Josh whispers.

I hear Michelle scream as I see the tip of a knife barely sticking through the door. I make a choking sound, sort of like a sob, Josh stands in front of me, like a shield. I grab my phone and call 911, I give them the address and say it's a break in then hang up. Right as I turn back, the door is kicked in. My dad stands there, knife in hand, I notice blood dripping from it.

Josh shoots my dad's skull, but not before his knife goes into my arm. I scream and grab my arm, my vision going black at the edges. I hear another gun go off, I hear the sirens, I feel someone lifting me up. The only thing I can see is my dad laying on the floor, bleeding out through his skull.

I feel someone squeeze my hand as I come to. I hear the constant beeping of a heart monitor. I see Josh come into my view.

"Hey baby, you're safe now. You lost a lot of blood and all your test results are coming in a few minutes."

I notice something different in his voice, I don't know what but I'm too exhausted to ask. I notice the calendar says December 16..

"We've been together for almost a month," I tell Josh.

He nods and looks away, yeah, something is up.

The doctor comes in, "Alright, from previous injuries: your rib is healed, so is your arm. Your foot needs a full cast.

You lost so much blood from the stab wound, that you almost passed away. You lost 60% of your blood and even then 30% of that blood went to your child," she says.

"My child? What?" I ask.

"You miscarried one of them, but the other looks as healthy as possible," the doctor says.

I bite my lip, Josh is crying in his hands.

"Give us a moment please?" I ask the doctor, she nods and leaves the room.

"Josh," I begin.

He sits on the bed with his hand over mine.

"What do I do? If you're going to be the kind of person that leaves just go ahead." I say as firmly as I can.

"So you're keeping the baby? Obviously yes. I don't know to be honest, it'd mess up my freedom," he replies.

"Josh, you said you loved me... If you really did, you would stay. It's not fair if I lose my freedom and have to raise a kid on my own. I can't work with a broke foot, I don't have any money or a place to stay," I tell him.

He looks at me with deep concern, "Why don't you just get an abortion?"

"I'm not going to murder my unborn child! Either you accept the fact that I'm keeping our child and stay or you don't accept it, take all the I love you's away and leave. I'm not playing games," my voice rises into a shout.

"I love you, but we are not ready for a kid. We aren't even married! I see us having a great future and having kids later on, but not now!"

 "Then maybe we're just two different people..." I begin, "Every one makes mistakes, this kid... Our kid, is something great in disguise. It can only make us stronger if we both stick around for it," I say gaining some hope.

He nods his head, a small smile appearing on his face.

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