Part 17

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"You can't jst leave! You can't push everything we ever had away like it's nothing!"

"I have the gun here, I'm stronger than you. I can shoot you this very second and you couldn't stop it."

"A man who hits a woman it a coward."

"I'm going to come back for you! I refuse to you go, damn."


I smile as I see my work on the screen. My first time directing and I think it turned out well. I hear footsteps in the hallway and open my door.

Maddie begins in a roar of words, "Josh, since we never had an actual wedding, can we get, maybe, our vows renewed? With some family and friends?"

I smile, "Of course! If that's what you want." She giggles and walks out of the room.

Oh, I love that girl.


Maddie is sitting beside me with a bunch of wedding dresses and caterers and some sort of cake flavor box. I agree with everything she wants because, as long as I'm with her, I don't care what the wedding is like.

"Do you like the cherry red or the soft pink?" Maddie asks, "Wait, what about purple and we can't forget blue, should it be blue?"

"Do you like the pink? It'd be great to have a soft pink with a violet color," I say completely oblivious to the words leaving my mouth.

"That's perfect!"

After a few moments, her smile drops.

"Josh, could you get all the guests lined up? Since I don't have anyone to invite could you do that?" She asks with tears in her eyes.

I nod and look down at my hands. I have to find someone to give her away. I'll do it after she's asleep.

"Thank you for being my husband," she bursts out. "I couldn't have gone through any of that without you."

She says as she wraps her frail arms around me.

I hear her sob and grab her cheeks in my hands, "Don't cry, everything is okay now. Nothing bad is going to happen, I'm right here."

She shakes her head softly, "No."

"What?" I ask.

"I know I'm better and safe... But I still feel broken, I feel like the world is against me and every morning when I wake up, I feel lost and scared. My nightmares have gotten worse and my medicine stopped working," she says as I see her shatter with every word.

"Maddie, you know I love you. You know that no one can hurt you. The world isn't against you, it's been fighting battles just like yours. We can always get new medicine and I promise I will be with you when the nightmares come."

"I just miss my mom," she whispers leaning into me.

She's falling apart. Not from a disease or an evil person or depression. Because of a loss. I carry her to bed and climb in with her. She rests her bald head on my chest; and with our arms wrapped around each other, we fall asleep.


A tear escapes from my eye when I see her above me.

"You're safe," I whisper.

She nods and pulls me into a hug. I've been holding my pain in for so long, I let it go. Tonight, I let it go.

I sob into her shoulder and I notice that she is crying too. I can't stop crying, so I do what I know will stop the pain. I pin Maddie down on the bed and kiss her roughly. As my hand glides over her sweet spot, she cries. But I do it anyway.

"You're hurting me!"

"Ow, stop!"

I keep doing it. I hear her blood curtailing scream and that knocks me out of whatever trance I was in.

"Get the hell off of me!" She screams at me.

She slaps me, and I deserve it.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what got into me," I whisper.

She nods in understandment.

"I'm in really bad pain, I can't move," she cries.

I give her some medicine and wrap her up in a blanket.

"What just happened... Why did you do that?"

For the first time, I am speechless.

I don't even know, man. aha

Loving You (A Josh Hutcherson FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now