Part 5

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*Maddie's POV*

I wake to the sound of my own screaming. Josh, wakes up and holds me as I cry.

I hear him whisper, "Babe, it's okay, you're okay."

The trembling starts in my hands and works it's way throughout my body. Josh rests his lips on my forehead, kissing it softly. I instantly feel calmer and relax into his strong chest.

"I love you," I whisper to him. He replies with a hard kiss. We fall back into sleep, tangled in each other.

The alarm goes off at 8A.M.

"Josh, why is it so early?" I ask him.

He huffs, "Press day, I found you something sexy to wear."

"As sexy as a rib brace and broken limbs can get."

"You are always sexy, no matter what injuries or what you're wearing. You're perfect."

"You are such a romantic guy, never seemed that way before," I joke at him.

"Wait until tonight, I'll really show you how romantic I get."

My insides tingle at those words. I go to the bathroom and shower. I walk out to the bedroom and drop my towel so I can put on my brace and dress.

"Gah, I'm not wearing the brace today." I tear the brace off and zip the dress back up.

I get breakfast while Josh is showering, when he comes out and gets dressed, I ask him, "Josh, do you know how to work a hair straightener? I can't do it or dry it with one hand."

"Yeah, come on I'll get it," He answers.

He dries it and in about 15 minutes, he is done.

"Thank you, babe." 

I do my makeup and we walk to the car.

"First we have to go to the Lionsgate office, then they will drive us wherever."

When we arrive he leans in and kisses me, "If they ask what happened, tell them a four wheeling accident," he whispers.

I nod and open my door, Josh helps me out of the car.

We walk in and are greeted by Francis Lawrence, Jennifer Lawrence, and Sam Claflin with his wife Laura. Josh introduces me to everyone and I can tell we will get along well. We all get in a limo and talk on the way to E! News. While everyone is up doing interviews, Laura and I get to know each other very well.

They finish the interview and this is how the day goes:






Entertainment Weekly

Seventeen Magazine



And we do even more the next day.

(I DON'T write sex scenes, sorry not sorry)

When I wake up, Josh is staring at me. He kisses me and smiles. We just lay there in silence. I don't know how long, we just do. I get to the point that it feels like I'm about to pee myself, so I get up. I groan as I feel how sore Josh really made me. Not only that but my rib hurts so bad I'm almost in tears.

"Babe, what is it?" Josh asks with a worried tone.

"My rib."

He helps me get up and walk to the bathroom. When I'm done, I go lay in the bed. I'm about to doze off until I hear a gun.

Loving You (A Josh Hutcherson FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now