Part 14

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After 3 weeks of Maddie being in the hospital, I have my family fly in. I get a pastor to come to the hospital and get two rings. I have to do this before she is gone. I have her awake long enough to say "I do" then she dozes off again. When it is time for the vows, I lean down and kiss her cheek.

"Maddie, if there is one thing that I am sure of about you, it's that you're brave." I begin, "When I first saw you, you stood out like a shining star, your smile making everyone smile. I always wondered if when you are in love, you can see it in your eyes. I've learned, over the past year, that you can. You're eyes sparkled like the ocean on a sunny day. I never knew someone could be as beautiful as you."

I stop suddenly choking out a sob, but I have to keep going, for her.

"You made me realize, that no matter what someone's past may be, that all you have to do is look ahead and not behind you. Because the future holds everything that matters. You would have been an amazing mother... I pictured us having children and growing old together."

I choke out the last words, "I will never move on from you Maddie. You have my heart and you always will."

It takes a few minutes for me to compose myself. I slip the ring on her finger and the other on mine.

"And now I pronounce you Mr. And Mrs. Joshua Ryan Hutcherson, you may kiss your bride. I do. She is asleep, she won't remember, but I kiss her with every ounce of passion I can produce.

She gently kisses me back and whispers, "I love you."


I sigh as I hear the door click shut. I laugh like a giddy fangirl as I lean over the bed and kiss my wife. My broken, yet strong wife.

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