Chapter 4 (Edited)

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Will he protect me? Why is he protecting?

Those two questions were the only things on my mind at the moment. Not the blood dripping down my arm or Ethan.

It's why?

Just why everything. I watched as Louis started to scream at Ethan. Ethan stepped back. he could tell Louis was pissed.

Louis raised his fist as Ethan coward back on fear. He went to bring it down on his when I screamed.

"Louis wait!"

Louis stopped mid motion and turned to look at me. Ethan might have hurt me but he didn't deserve to get killed for it.

"Please don't don't do this." I whispered.

His eyes softened before they turned rock hard again when he turned back to Ethan.

He unclenched his fist and pointed his finger at him. "if you ever look at her the wrong way again or lay a finger on her your dead meat. Understand?" he growled.

Ethan nodded before turning and running away. I let out a sigh of relief. Louis walked over to me.

He stood in felt of me and looked down so our eyes could meet. He was a good couple inches taller than me so it was easy to look down.

"Why would you like scum like that get away with hurting you?" he asked. he brought his hand up to caress my cheek.

I leaned into his hand as I let out a sigh. I didn't know why except that it couldn't go that far.

"He hurt me but he didn't deserve to be pummeled." I whispered as I looked up at him.

His eyes were soft, not like they usually were. they looked glassy and the blue seemed bright.

He looked down at my arm. "Lets go get that cleaned up. I have some stuff at my locker."

He took my opposite hand that wasn't bleeding and walked me up to the building.

We walked back inside and up to his locker. "Sit here."

A bench was next to his locker since his and mine were both near the front entrance.

I sat down and leaned my head back into the cool glass and tried I not think of anything.

The only things was that was hard when there was blood dripping down your arm and when you were 'married' and your 'husband' that had hated you over the years decided to help you.

He pulled out a first aid kit from his locker and set it down next to me on the bench.

"Why do you have that in your locker?" I asked as I leaned forward so he could access my wound easier.

He sighed. "I used to get beat up a lot in, during and outside of school. I always put one in my locker. Just in case."

He looked up and smiled at me. for once it looked like he actually cared but that's how he always played it.

Act like you care than ditch the girl.

"Why'd you get beaten up?" I asked. This was again, one of those times I know shouldn't ask but I do anyway because if I don't know the curiosity will kill me.

"Well." he nervously scratched the back of his neck as he looked down a thee ground. "I used to hit on girls that had boyfriends and didn't know. I'd find out later when it was too late to take it back."

I nodded. He probably knew and didn't even give a shit. He's such a pig.

"Hold still. This will hurt a bit."

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