Chapter 31

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Louis POV

Jess suddenly went pale at the sight of him. My hands gripped even tighter go the edge of the table. "Are we allowed to request a new waiter?" I asked as I gritted my teeth together.

He shook his head, a smirk plastered on his stupid ass of a face. "Sorry but I work this table so I can't get switched unless a manager makes the change."

I saw Jessica swallow hard as she bit her lip, putting her fingertips to her bottom lip. Her eyes were filled with worry and fear.

I reached across the table and took her free hand in mine. She looked over at me and I looked her straight in the eyes and nodded. Telling her it would be ok. She nodded slowly.

I turned back to Ethan, still keeping a firm grip on her hand. I knew an easy way out of this and I wasn't going to waste time by thinking about if I should use it or not. "Well please get your manager for me, I would like to speak with him."

The smirk was wiped off his face as he nodded, turning and storming through the door in which he came through. I turned to Jess. "You ok?" she asked.

I nodded as a smile spread across my face. She was always thinking of others before herself, wasn't she? "Yea I'm fine. Just angry is all. I wanted this night to be perfect." I replied. It was to late to take those words back but I didn't regret them as much as I thought I would've.

She smiled. "Why? Were just friends aren't we?" she asked.

I nodded even though it hurt to do so. All my mind kept thinking was not for long. "Yea but I wanted to have fun, not have to deal with this idiot." I said as I rubbed my thumb on the back of her hand.

She smiled. "Well I really appreciate it Lou. It's nice to know I have a friend like you."

I smiled even wider. I thought I told her not to call me Lou. I let it slide. I liked hearing it come from her. "I'm just happy I have a friend I can do this for. I've never had a friend like this before."

Her smile grew even wider, the small velvet box growing heavier in my pocket by the second. The door opened and we both turned to see the manager followed by Ethan.

"Is there a problem here Mr.Tomlinson?" The manager asked as he stood in front of me. His face showing worry. I let go of Jessicas hand but left my hand resting on the table.

I nodded, trying to hide a smile from spreading across my face, trying to keep under reps even though it was tugging at the corner of my lips. "Yes sir. This waiter here had had some bad history with me and my friend here and I don't think either of us feel comfortable being served by him."

He nodded. "Anything for my favorite customer." He smiled. Than he turned back to Ethan with a stern look on his face. "You will now be serving table seven, I will be serving this table." He nodded, shooting me a glare before storming back through the door. "How have you been Louis?" he asked me.

I smiled. "Great Mark, and you?" Mark was the man who ran this restaurant. He was the manager of this branch. if gotten to know him well over the year since I would occasionally take my dates here for a quick bite to eat. Mark and I became quite close since I was his best customer.

The only thing that was different about this manager was he was younger. Only about four years older than us.

He also worried about me, a lot. He always was telling me I had to knock it off and actually try to ind a girl ha gone day I might settle down with. Back than I had told him no, there had only been one girl and she had been too far out of reach than.

Back than it was like she was a galaxy I would never reach, and now when I really think about what's happening it almost feels as if it's all one big dream.

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