Chapter 16

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Jessicas POV

~thirty minutes later~

I walked away from the tv in the living room and flopped back onto the couch, the springs catching me and making me bounce slightly. I let out a long sigh before I sat up and looked around the room.

We'd not even been home twenty minutes and Fizzy had made me play Just Dance with her about fifty times. Rematch after rematch after rematch.

"Come on." she whined as she came over and bounced excitedly. i don't know how this girl keeps going. Maybe it's the sugar high.

"Stupid sugar highs." I mumbled as I flopped back onto the couch once more, closing my eyes I tried to rest and take a nap.

She sighed and began to shake my shoulders. "Please. . ." She begged.

"Louis?" I asked. I opened one eyes and spotted him sitting on the other part of the sofa.

"Mhm." he sounded back as he looked through his phone, probably scrolling through twitter or texting someone.

I closed my eye. "How old is she again?" I asked, rolling over I faced the back of the couch, well would've if my eyes had actually been open.

"Fizzy's thirteen and the twins are nine." he answered dully.

I rolled back over and opened my eyes. "The twins are only nine?" I asked.

"Yeah why?" he asked a she finally closed his phone and set it down, he than looked up to me so our eyes met.

I shrugged. "Well I thought they were ten." I answered in the same flat tone, trying to mimic his.

"How?" he asked as he laughed and shrugged his shoulders.

I rolled my eyes. "I just thought they were." I sang as I rolled back over to face the back of the couch again.

I closed my eyes and let out a long sigh, letting my shoulders relax and the tension in my muscles subside.

"Well than you were wrong." he stared simply. I sighed and just ignored him and tried to take a nap.

"Louis!" Fizzy yelled.

"What Fizzy?" Louis asked, his tone annoyed

Whatever's annoying Louis I have to see. I rolled over and opened my eyes once again. I saw Fizzy taking the Just dance disc out of the X-Box. I let out a sigh. Finally!

She put the disc back in the box and set it down with the rest if their games. "Louis." she picked a disc up off the shelf. "Were gonna play karaoke!" she sang as and showed him the box.

I laughed. I laughed so hard I ended up rolling off the couch and literally rolling around on the floor in laughter.

Louis was probably sitting their rolling his eyes at me or holding in a fit of hysteria but either way I couldn't see him through the tears or hear him through my loud laughter.

After awhile I finally calmed down and I pulled myself back up onto the couch, panting with tears running down my face.

"Come on Louis play." Fizzy whined.

"I'm not playing." Louis snapped back.

"Louis. . " I wheezed. they both turned to look at me. "Please just. . Play."

He groaned and threw himself back into the couch thinking for a moment. "no" he finally decided

"Aw come on." fizzy whined. "You can show off to Jess."

His face reddened as he shook his head. "That's not the point. the point is I don't want to."

I finally got my breathing back under control so I decided to speak up and help the little Fiz. "I can leave." he turned back to me.

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