From the Past to the Present

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I left the cafeteria behind and met up with team Rwby behind the statue in the central courtyard. "What happened?" Weiss demanded. Before I could answer, Ruby answered for me. "He kicked serious butt, that's what!" she said gleefully, "Man it was so cool! You had like two swords and you were all Shing! Pow! and then-"  Weiss interrupted, "That's not what I meant!" She turned towards me. "What happened to you? At first you were normal, then... then you changed," she whispered. "Yeah," Yang interjected, "Your eyes went all red and stuff like I do when I get mad." I looked at the ground and clenched my fists. "Not again," I thought. "Look it doesn't matter-" I started. "IT does matter," Weiss insisted. "What happened?" I sighed exasperatedly. 

"Fine I'll tell you." I turned and faced the whole team. "When I was a child, the military experimented on me." I looked at their faces. Some were shocked and others in disbelief. I continued, "They were trying to find a way to give people more semblances. The experiments were not only physically torture, but also mentally. As a result, it messed up my mind and my body. So now I not only have four semblances, but something happens to me when I get caught up in the heat of a battle." I watched their eyes as to see what they were thinking. Their thoughts were all shielded. I started again, "The red kind of takes over my mind and my body and makes me become some sort of sadistic monster." I paused. "So that was what you witnessed today." I looked at their faces, surprised when I saw tears rolling down Weiss's face. "So that's what they did to you?" she whispered. I nodded. We stood together in silence for a little while. Then Yang spoke up. "Wait, you said you had four semblances?" she asked. I nodded. "Yes that is correct," I confirmed, "I am very durable meaning I can take quite a lot of hits. A LOT more hits than any aura can take. I can also communicate and understand the Grimm, speak to the dead, and steal other people's auras and semblances." I chuckled. "Despite what has happened to me, some of these skills have been pretty useful. Admittedly it has some of its downfalls and-"  Weiss interrupted me by wrapping her arms around my waist. "Weiss, what are you doing?" I asked, my face turning redder by the second. "It's called comfort, just take it," Yang offered. "Comfort. Huh" I said, my face now redder than a tomato. "I like it." I hugged Weiss back. "Well, you should probably get cleaned up and get out of here," Yang said. "You're right," I said. I gently held Weiss out at arm's length. "I have to go now." She sniffled once. "Okay." I waved to the group and started heading towards the dorm.


In the Headmaster's Office

"Aren't you going to punish him?" asked Goodwitch. Ozpin took a sip out of his cup. "No," he said flatly. "Wha- why not?" she asked, "He injured two students in the same day! He should be expelled." Ozpin got up off of his chair. "He was simply defending himself. Those two students attacked first. And you can't really blame him for what happened with Ezra," Ozpin replied. "What do you mean?" Goodwitch asked. "Look at his file and you shall see." Ozpin handed a file to her. She opened it up and read the information. Her hand went to her mouth. "Oh my god..." she said. She looked up at Ozpin. "That's what they did to him?" she asked in disbelief. Ozpin simply nodded. "Those men up in the military are monsters," she said, "We should have them court-martialed." Ozpin nodded in agreement. "Indeed they should, but what happened is in the past and there is nothing we can do about it." Goodwitch paced around the room in frustration. "So what should we do then?" she asked. "Nothing," Ozpin replied, "For the time being all we can do is observe him and let the teachers do what they need to do." 

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