The Challenger Arrives

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I opened my eyes to see the library crowded and full of people. "Ugh," I said, shielding my eyes from the bright sun shining through the windows. "Oh right. I fell asleep in the library last night," I thought. I stood up and walked out of the library and out into the courtyard. It was about mid-morning and I could already feel the sun's heat beating down on me. I consulted my scroll and it informed it was 10:00. "Well I got time before meeting with Weiss," I thought. I decided to hit the gym. I plugged in my headphones to my scroll and selected "Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor. I decided to start out light, 40 push-ups and crunches as a warm-up. After that I walked over to the bench. Seeing I still had a long day ahead of me, I decided not to work too hard and set the bar to a light 60 pounds. After I finished I sat up and took a drink from the water fountain. I looked up to see the guy from my dorm, the one that wore a leather jacket and was now wearing a track suit, surrounded by his posse. 

I decided it was best to leave, but he called out, "Well well well, if it isn't our fearless leader." His friends snickered at this. He pointed at me and said, "Get him." "Aw great," I thought, "Time to go." I started to run out the gym but him and his gang must have anticipated that. Two guys came through the door and grabbed my arms, immobilizing me. I struggled of course, but they only tightened their grip. "Take him outside," their leader said, "This is going to get messy." He cracked his knuckles and watched as they dragged me out into the courtyard. 

"All right," he said, "Let's settle this once and for all." I stared back at him wordlessly. Once again, he put up the traditional brawler stance, arms up in front of him and swaying from one leg to the other. As if sensing there was tension in the air, a crowd instantly gathered around me and him, forming a ring around us, sealing off all escape. "I guess I have no choice," I thought. I decided to take the traditional martial arts stance of putting my left arm close to my side, bent at a 90 degree angle while my right arm was held out in front of me with my fingers slightly curled, and apart. I kept my legs about shoulder width apart and watched him. "Kick his ass Zayne!" yelled one of his friends. "Zayne. So that's his name," I thought. He lunged towards me, trying to grab me. I countered and grabbed his shoulders and thrust my knee into his solar plexus, knocking the breath out of him. He instantly went down onto the ground. "Stay down if you know what's good for you," I said. "Who do you think you are?" he spat at me. He leaped to his feet and threw a punch aimed at my face. I side stepped it and grabbed his arm, slamming my palm into his triceps. It would hurt a lot and immobilize his arm for the time being. He fell onto the ground once again. "I'm serious stay down!" I commanded. "Never!" he said. "I'll never be beat by lowlife scum like you!" 

Suddenly I had another flash back. It was my father and he was yelling at me. "How could you have gotten your entire team killed!?!" he demanded. "You're just another low-life scumbag that can't do anything correct!" he said.  All of a sudden I felt a punch strike my face, bringing me back to the present. It stung and threw me to the ground. "Ha!" he laughed, "Now it's your turn to stay down!" His friends laughed and jeered at me. I stood up and red started to crawl into my vision, so turned and made a roundhouse kick into his ribs as hard as I could. "Oooof.." he grunted, as he went down. I knew I had broken three to four ribs at best. Everyone went silent. I turned and ran through the crowd, deciding it was best if I put as much distance between me and Zayne's crew. 

"Oh no," I thought, "What if I killed him?" I ran even faster. This sort of thing has happened before. I was in high school and a bully was picking on my friend. I challenged him to a fight and beat him pretty badly. He was sent to a hospital and didn't pull through. I was expelled and almost jailed. Ever since then, I have tried to stay as far away from fights as I could. Deeming I had ran far enough, I stopped to catch my breath. I looked around and found myself back at the dorms. "There's only one person who can help me now," I thought. I started to run towards Jaune's room.

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