Roots (Final Chapter)

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A couple more days passed and I was released from the hospital with very strict orders not to stress myself too much. I walked out of the hospital with Yang supporting me. "Thanks," I said. She smiled and guided me over to a bench for me to rest for a few moments. I caught my breath and looked at the beautiful blue sky, thankful to be alive. "Soooo.....what now?" asked Yang. I grinned. I'm glad you asked," I replied, "I want to show both you and Weiss something. Could you grab her and meet me in the parking lot?" Yang looked a little skeptical, but agreed and left. I took a breath and tried to stand up and faltered. "Easy there," a voice said, catching me before I fell. I looked up and saw it was Leah who had helped me. "Oh, thanks," I said. She smiled. "No problem!" I cleared my throat and we stood in awkward silence for a few moments. "So...what are you here for?" I asked. She looked a little flustered and embarrassed. "Oh...well...I was here to visit someone..." she stammered. I was a little confused. "Did someone on your team get injured too?" I asked. She shook her head. " to visit you," she said quietly. I was a little irritated. "Leah, what happened before isn't going to work now," I explained, "We tried it once, it isn't going to work." She looked a little hurt. I put my hand on her shoulder. 'You'll find someone," I assured. She nodded slightly and I pulled her into an embrace. "Thanks for visiting though," I said. She hugged me back and we went our separate ways, with me heading off to meet Weiss and Yang. 


I limped to the parking lot and saw Weiss and Yang already there, waiting for me. "Come on! Hop in!" I called, walking up to a red car and unlocking its doors. They walked over and situated themselves in the car, Yang calling shotgun and Weiss sitting in the back. "Where we going?" asked Weiss. I grinned. "You'll see..." I pulled the car out of the parking lot and drove onto a path leading into the forest. We drove a few minutes before actually reaching the beginning of the forest. "We have to walk the rest of the way," I said. I got out of the car with Yang and Weiss not far behind me. I led them onto the beginning of the forest path and took them inside. "Wow!" I heard Yang whisper. The sun shined through cracks in the foliage, casting shadows of leaves that blew in the slight breeze. We walked deeper into the forest and arrived at the end, a clearing with a small house in the middle with a creek running near by. "Oh my," whispered Weiss. I turned around and smiled. "What do you think?" I asked. Weiss ran up to me and hugged me. "How did you do this?" she asked. I shrugged. "I looked for a long time and finally was able to find it and buy it back," I replied. 

Yang stopped us. "What is this place?" she asked. I took her hand and led her closer to the house. "This was my childhood home," I replied. I walked to the front door and unlocked it, revealing the inside. "Not much of the stuff had been moved and I had some people clean it up for me," I explained. Yang walked up to a nearby wall and inspected a photo. "Is this your family?" She asked. I nodded. "Yup, want to check out the bedrooms? They're upstairs." Yang walked up the wooden stairs and disappeared. I noticed Weiss had been pretty quiet so far. "Anything in particular you want to see?" I asked. She nodded. "Can we see the backyard?" she asked. I nodded and guided her to the back door, which I unlocked and opened. Outside, the birds chirped and the fish splashed in the nearby creek. 

I stepped outside and breathed in the fresh air. Weiss walked over to the creek and knelt down to look into it. "When I met you...," she sang softly. "You weren't afraid," I finished. She stood up and looked upstream. "Remember when we would play in the forest and catch the tadpoles?" she asked. I nodded. "Of course. I also remembered when you would sing for us. We had the times of our lives." I thought back to when Weiss and I would run into the forest and play till the sun set behind the horizon. Of course, her father always got angry at me for bringing her back so dusty and such. I suddenly heard Yang calling us back to the house. "Let's go, Yang's waiting," I said. I led her back inside and looked at a nearby photo on the table. "I'm home," I thought. 

Yang poked her head from the top of the stairs. "Hey Ryan, come upstairs!" she called. I walked up after her and found her waiting in my old room. "I see you've found my room," I said. She nodded and sat down on the bed. I looked around and everything was as I remembered. From the crooked books on the bookshelf to the rock collection on my desk. We stood in silence for a while. "Why did you bring us here?" Yang finally asked. I picked up a book titled A Brief History of Vale and Grimm. I thought this would be a good place for everyone to lay low while we wait for all this to blow over," I replied. Yang shook her head. "You're still thinking about that? It's obvious we should strike back as soon as we have the chance." She hugged me and went downstairs. I stood there for a while, and realized what I had to do. I sat down at my desk and opened the drawer. I took out a single sheet of paper and began to write.


The sun was soon setting, shining its crimson light into my bedroom. I heard a knock on my door and saw Weiss standing at the door. "You all right?" she asked. I nodded my head and stood up, pushing the chair in. "I have to say something," I confessed. I walked up to her and looked into her eyes. "I can't protect all of you." She looked a little confused. "Wh-what do you mean?" she asked. I swallowed before answering. "Don't make this any harder," I said, "I have to go." She blinked a few times. "What do you mean? Like... leave?" I grabbed her hand and gently pushed a folded piece of paper into her hands. "I have to get stronger before the White Fang attack again," I said, "I have to BE stronger." Weiss looked away. "Why?" I took a breath. "When I was needed, all I could do was watch, but that will never happen again." She met my gaze once more. "Tell Yang I'm sorry. Can you do this for me? Please." She nodded. I hugged her one last time. "I'll be back soon," I promised. I left my room and walked downstairs. I saw Yang was out in the backyard enjoying the sunset and the fresh air. I wanted to talk to her, to tell her something. But I decided against it. "I'm sorry," I thought. I walked out the front door and closed the door one last time.


Weiss slowly walked up behind Yang. "Isn't it beautiful?" asked Yang. "I wonder what it was like to spend your whole life living here, away from the problems of the world." Weiss sniffled and Yang turned to see she had been crying. "What's wrong?" Weiss handed her a piece of paper, folded many times, but was now unfolded. Yang looked at the paper and read: Dear Yang, I'm sorry but I have to go. I can't say where exactly, but you will always be in my heart every step of the way. Please bring the rest of our friends to this wonderous place, so they too can also enjoy its beauty and prepare for the many hardships ahead. I will see you soon. Love, Ryan.                                

Yang's arm fell to her side. "H-he left?" she mumbled. Weiss nodded her head and tried not to cry. "Why?" Yang asked. Weiss shook her head and led Yang back inside, closing the door behind them.

I watched from a distance. "I'm sorry, but this is for all of you." I turned and walked out of the forest, knowing my next journey ahead was sure to be filled with many more obstacles. 

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