Caught high

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Man, I really need to learn how to work this phone! it took me ten minutes just to learn how to turn it on!

I woke up this morning and almost screamed because my phone made this weird ding noise and it scared me half to death! I realized it was a text from josh saying,

"Hey, Carly! hope you love your phone;) text me back when you get this!"

I did text him back it just took me a while. don't judge I have never had I phone in my life!

"Hey josh! yes I love it thank you so much! can we get together some time today?" I text back to him

"Sorry I can't I have a meeting with a director today, but I can tomorrow if you can?"

"Yah sure what time?"

"How about 2? I'll pick you up at your house"

"Ok see you then!"

"See ya;)"

Ok, I think I am finally figuring out how to work this phone and I apart have my number memorized!

I realized that I hadn't done any drugs or smoked anything in two days I know this sounds bad, but I need it like bad right now. I quickly get dressed and go out.

I walk four blocks down and turn into a alleyway.

"Hey!" I yell as it echoes through the alley "Zane!"

"Ahh Carly," he says in his sly tone "where have been lately?" he says walking over to me out of the dark he appears with his jet black hair slicked back, his leather jacked and leather boots making a squeak noise as he walks, and as always he is smoking probably pot.

"Around." I say shrugging

"Well, what can I help you with?"

"I need something to put my mind at ease."

"Here," he says handing me the same thing he is smoking "Rene gettin to ya again?" he says. he know my story he is the Inly person. I told him because we both have had sucky lives so I knew he wouldn't think I was a freak

"Yah, she almost killed me yesterday," he knows I'm not kicking when I say killed "I didn't breathe for a good 20 seconds"

"What did you so?"

"Stayed out late." I say nonchalantly

"Plainin on doing the same tonight?"

"Nah, I actually met someone a couple days ago." I say locking over to him to see him leaning up against the same wall I am


"And his name is josh and he got me this," I say taking it the phone

"Wo this Is like a two hundred dollar phone! why did he give you this?"

"He said it was so we could talk whenever." I say watching him examine the phone

" did you tell him about, ahh well you?"

"No I told him I lived in an apartment."

"Why don't you tell him?"

"Because he would run like a scared deer if I did."

"Well you told me and I'm still here."

"That's different you have been through the same struggle as me."

"Just because he hasn't had a life like me or you doesn't mean he leave."

"Yes, it dose. every time I tell someone they my parents."

"Just think about it, Carly."


After a little longer I start to head home. My thoughts are blurred though, my steps are staggering, and my vision is blurring. I hear a car drive by and then suddenly stop I squint to see who it is but u can't. alls I can Telly's it's a black raised jeep. someone gets out and comes towards me they put both hands on my shoulders and steadies me

"Carly? Carly!? Carly, are you ok?" they are saying to me

I look closely at the person and realize who it is,


Was this meant to be? (Josh hutcherson love story)Where stories live. Discover now