The truth comes out

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I sigh and look down ashamed that josh knows who I really am now.

"Carly, what is going on?" josh says "please talk to me." he begs of me

"Josh, I haven't been entirely honest with you..." I begin

"Carly please," he comes over and sits next to me on the couch " to me."

"Ok, I'm going to be completely honest with more secrets." I say looking into his eyes. I take a deep breath 'I can't believe I'm actually telling him this, this could ruin everything.' I think to myself

"I was born 4 months premature, my lungs were under developed and I wasn't suppose to live. my parents were scared so they gave me up. my mother never even held me in her arms, she didn't even want to see me..i stayed in the hospital until I was one living solely off of machines that keeps my heart going. when I was almost two they found a foster home for me. I had to constantly be on an oxygen tank and couldn't be exposed to any type of sickness, even just a cold could have killed me. I was constantly having doctor appointments and it eventually became to much for my foster family and I was put back into the foster care system. again I went into a new home and was taken out and then put into another home and taken out. this continually happened until I was five. I was eventually put into an orphanage here in LA when I was 6. I still didn't understand why no one wanted me and why I had to be oxygen. Everyone in the orphanage made fun of me and on occasion beat me up. I decided one day when I was 7 I was sick of being treated this way, so I took the oxygen tube out of my nose. I took it off for to long i passed out 45 minutes later from lack of oxygen. someone in the orphanage found me and I was rushed to the hospital. everyone thought it was to late for me. the doctors keept telling the orphanage director that I was going to die. my heart actually stopped for 3 minutes, but some how they saved me. I was once again forced into this crewel world. everyone told me that I was lucky to be alive that I should be happy...but I wasn't, I went through every day wishing I and died that day. again and again I was faced with the harsh reality that I was unloved and unwanted. when I was 12 I started doing was the only way I could escape just for a few hours. I drank for the first time at age 14. I soon became addicted. the orphanage director, Rene, soon found out what I was doing. she warned me to stop, but I never did. she started to beat me because I came home late and when I didn't come home late it was because the cops had picked me up...and that's where I am today a drug addict at age 16, hoping to die." I didn't realize but I was crying josh wiped away my tears with his thumb and looked me straight in the eyes

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asks in a clam understanding voice

I snuffle "I didn't want you to leave like everyone else."

"Don't worry," he says wrapping his arms around me "I'm not going anywhere, and don't you ever think for one second you can't tell me some thing." I pull away from his arms

"Why are you helping me, josh, I'm a complete wreck and on the verge of death."

"Because, I know some people just need a little help. your not a wreck just a little beaten up. but that's fine I except you for exactly who you are." he says tucking a strands of hair behind my ear and before he can take his hand away I hold it to my cheek.

"Thank you" I whisper

~ Josh's POV~

I couldn't believe what Carly just told me. how could any body treat such an amazing, beautiful, girl that way.

Her whole life is haut one miracle after another, but she can only see the bad in her life, but I am determine to help her see the good in life.

"So what are these scratches actually from?" I ask her pointing to the white tape on her face.

"Rene, hit me a few days ago and her fingernails dug into my face."

"Will you let me help you now?"

She nods her and smiles slightly at me.

"Come here." I say jumping up off the couch an offering her my hand

I pick here tiny frail body up and set her on my kitchen counter. I slowly peel each bandage off her face as she squeezes my hand and winces every once in a while. I peel off the last one to find the cuts puffy, red, and infected.

"Did you know these were all infected?" I ask her

"No, whenever she cuts me I just cover them up and let them heel and hope they don't scar." we both laugh a little

"Stay here I'm going to get some disinfectant."


I ran to the bathroom and get the disinfectant out of the closet and get some cotton balls. I go back out to the kitchen to where Carly is sitting playing with her hair. I pour a little bit of the disinfectant liquid on a cotton ball and dab it on her face. she winces again.

"Sorry" I say

"It's ok, so where are your parents?" she asks as I continue to clean her cuts out

"They went away for the weekend for my brothers birthday."

"You have a brother?"

"Yah his name is Connor. you would like him he is a good kid."

"I would love to meet him."

"Maybe you can when they get back."

I put a small gauze pad on her cuts and use medical tape to secure it

"There you go!" I say picking her up again and putting her on the ground

"Thank you again"

"Your welcome, and remember if she ever lays anther finger on you call me."

"Ok" she says laughing slightly

Was this meant to be? (Josh hutcherson love story)Where stories live. Discover now