I really have a family!?

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Carly's POV

"Hello?" says a little blonde haired boy in his pajamas

I'm so confused on why a little boy answered the door. I feel josh squeeze my hand trying to bring me back to reality and he does.

"Ahh hi are-ah are there any adults here?" I ask the little boy who appears to be about 5

Before he can answer a women walks over to him saying "marky, Markus wha-" she stops when she sees me and josh "hello can I help you?" she asks in a sweet tone as soon as I see her I recognize her. it's my mother. just to make sure I ask her a question

"Um yes. I'm looking for Kathleen Maury?" I ask

"That's me" she says "do-do I know you?" she asks

"No, but you should..." I trail off

She picks up the little boy and says "excuse me?"

"Well, 18 years ago from today you had a baby, but ahh you gave her up for adoption.."

She puts the little boy down and says to him "can you go get your dad for me baby?"

He nods and runs off to get his dad. the man I know as my father walks over to the woman and says "ahh can we help you?" he says tiredly still in his pajamas clearly we woke him up

"Ahh yes as I said 18 years ago you had a baby girl but you gave her up for adoption." I repeat to him

"How do you know that?" the woman asks confused but whispering a little

"Because," I take a deep breath " I am that little girl you gave up 18 years ago..."

"What!?" the man asks

"I am your daughter" I say

"No, you can't be we gave her up for adoption when she was born. She should have been adopted " says Kathleen

"I know" I say "I Should have been adopted but I wasn't. Here." I say handing them the folder that contains my file.

Jason, my dad? gosh that sounds weird, pulls it out of the envelope and they read through it together. once they finish they look up at me with joy and shock in their eyes

"See I stayed in the hospital until I was four then I traveled from orphanage to orphanage. I never stayed very long in one though because all of them couldn't handle giving me a little extra help because of my breathing condition and I started to get into something's I shouldn't of. But when I turned 12 I was transferred again to a home in LA that was to be my home until I turned 18 which is today." I finish my short life story

When I look up at Kathleen she is in tears and Jason seams to be on the verge of crying. before I can react Kathleen and Jason both have arms around me an a warm embrace. they pull away

"Why are you guys crying?" I ask them

"We just never thought we would see you again and now here you are on our doorstep!" Kathleen says laughing a little

This makes me laugh a little too

I suddenly realize josh is here "oh and this" I say pointing to josh "is my boyfriend josh"

Josh shakes hands with both of them and they introduce themselves

"Well, please, please come in" says Jason

We follow them into the house to be greeted by two little 8 year old girls and the little boy that answered the door. we follow them into their living room and josh and I sit on the small couch and Jason and Kathleen sit on another couch across from us.

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