Finally married

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Carly's POV

~9 months later~

I woke up at 7am because to day is August 15, 2013 my wedding day!! Every thing all ready I have a beautiful wedding gown it's white with a little lace and it ha a royal blue sash on the waist. my brides made dresses are short and royal blue (see on my Instagram @hannahvreewatpics) and I'm so ready to marry josh!

We are getting married on the beach here in California at 10am. my brides maids are Elie and Ariana my flower girl is Kayla who is now 9 and my ring barer is Marcus. Josh's groomsmen are Connor and Mark that meet at the party josh and I went to before we got in the car accident and they all have matching royal blue ties.

Josh went out last night with his groomsmen and he stayed the night and is getting ready for the wedding a marks house. I'm at Josh's house an my mom and my sisters are coming over to get ready and Markus and my dad are going to marks house to get ready.

Josh and I both know we could have had a big extravagant wedding, but we didn't want to we wanted it to be small and meaningful. so the only people we have coming is my family Josh's family and his other relatives like cousins and aunts and uncles, Xander is coming, my two friends from work Brit and Kelly are coming, Jennifer, and Liam are coming and yes the actors Jennifer Lawrence and Liam Hemsworth and that's about it. we are having our reception at a catered building that is on the beach.

Right now I'm going down stairs and my mom is doing my hair because she is a hairdresser. I pull on some sweatpants and a sweatshirt and go downstairs.

When I get down there my mom and sisters are already here and they are all eating and my mom just finished doing their hair.

"Morning!" I say happily

"Good morning my beautiful bride!" my mom says coming up behind me and hugging me by the shoulders while I make a bowl if cereal

"Haha oh please I'm not very attractive right now" we all laugh

"Oh come sit so you can get your hair done!" Michele says excitedly

"Okay okay I'm coming" I say sitting down at the dinning room table to eat my breakfast and my mom comes right behind me and starts to do my hair

"I think we should have sent a girl over with all the boys" Ellie says coming into the dinning room

"Why's that?" I ask

"I doubt any of them know how to tie a tie" she says

We all start laughing because she is right we don't know if they can

"Let's just hope and pray they will figure it out!" I say

"Where is your dress?" my mom asks from behind me

"I'm my closet in the dress bag" I say taking a bite of cereal

"When are you planing to put it on?" She asks

"When my hair is done" I say

"How heavy is your vail?" she asks

"Umm not very. why?"

"Because if your bail is heavy and you want your hair to stay in we are going to need ALOT of hair spray" she says and we all laugh a little

This continues for an hour until my hair is finally done! it's half up and half down with a numb on top and the part that is down is in right curls

"Okay girls go put your dresses on and Carly go get yours and we can help you in if" my mom says

"Okay" I say and the girls go into the bathroom to put on their dresses

I go and get my dress and my vail and my high heals out of my closet and go back down stairs.

"Okay I got my dress and shoes and my vail" I say walking into the living room

I see the girls and they are absolutely beautiful! the blue looks great with their blonde hair! "ahh girls you look beautiful!" I say hugging them both

"Thank you" they both say smiling

"Okay let's get that dress on!" Michele says

"Okay!" I say

It took a while but I finally got my dress on and I love it! it's beautiful and it falters my figure perfectly. josh still hasn't seen it and I really hope he likes it! Michele puts my vail on and it's officially I'm a bride!! And I'm marrying the guy I love this is TRULY the best day of my life!

"Right come on girls the limo is here!" Michele says


As I walk down on the sand on the beach I see josh and he looks amazing his hair is blonde because he is in the middle of filming Catchingfire but he still looks amazing in his black suite and blue tie which is tied correctly! He smiles at me as I walk down the isle and smile back to him. I walk down the isle to the song "1,000 years" with my arm locked with my dad's arm and in my other hand my bouquet.

When I get to where josh is standing I kiss my dad on his cheek hand Arianna my bouquet and take both of Josh's hands in mine and the minister begins the ceremony

When we get to the vows josh and I decided to make our own and josh says his first,

"Carly," he begins " ever since the day I meet you our lives have been one big crazy roller coaster...but I wouldn't want it any other way. I love you and I promise to always be by your side and to Cary you through what ever life throws at us. you mean the world to me Carly and I'm ready to spend the rest of my life devoted to living and caring for you. so with this ring I be wed" he says sliding the ring onto my left hand ring finger and I begin my vows still crying a little from what josh said he is so sweet

"Josh, every since I have meet you all you have done is cared for me and loved me and stuck by my side. And your right our life has been crazy these last few years but never once did I regret and second of any day because I had you. you mean the world to me and all I want to do with my life is make you happy because of your happy I am happy. I am prepared to live the rest of my life with you no matter what. so with this ring I be wed" I say and slid the ring on his finger

"I now pronounce you husband and wife!" the minister says and hearing this makes me smile brightly and josh squeezes my hands as he says this "josh, you may kiss your bride" he says

Josh takes my face in his and I put my arms around his neck and we kiss for what feels like eternity the best eternity of my life though! as we kiss I hear camera clicks and flashes and I know paparazzi has found us but I don't care because I just married the man I love and I don't care who knows.


Xander's POV

I watch as Carly and josh kiss and for a moment I'm jealous if josh but who wouldn't be he is marrying a great girl

"You still love her don't you?" Kayla says to me

"Yes I do, but she is married to someone she loves and she is happy so I'm happy and that's all I ever wanted for her" I say to hero

Carly's POV

I walk down the isle for the last time but this time I'm married and Holding my husbands hand! Man, that sounds weird I have a husband! but as I look up to see josh already smiling happily down at me I know that this was truly meant to be....

Was this meant to be? (Josh hutcherson love story)Where stories live. Discover now