In love and crushed

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~Josh's POV~

Tonight has been absolutely perfect! Carly and I have had a great time talking and laughing with each other. Which is great! I'm really considering asking Carly to be my girlfriend, but I don't even know how or if she feels the same way toward me.

We just finished eating and now we are just sitting next to each other watching as the sun slowly sets on the horizon. I look over at Carly. she is memorized by the beautiful pinks and oranges in the sky. She is so much more beautiful than the sunset to me though that u can't look away from her. gosh I love this girl. 'Josh just do it ask her what's the worst that could happen?' I think to myself 'she could reject you' I debate this in my head for a while until I notice Carly was staring at me.

"What are you thinking about?" she says showing off her perfect smile. gosh every second I spend with her I fall more and more in love with her.

"Just about how beautiful you are" I admit

She blushes and smiles at me

"Don't lie Josh" she say pushing me playfully

"I'm not." I say not joking at all. Because I'm not she really truly is beautiful "Carly, can if ask you something?" I ask totally not thinking about what I was about to ask

"Sure" she says happily

"Will..will you, Carly, be my girlfriend?" I ask nervously

I see shock in her eyes and the joy comes back to them and then concern

"Do you really want to do this josh, I mean considering my past and all-" she begins but I cut her off with a kiss

I hold her warm cheeks in my hand and stare into her beautiful aqua blue eyes

"Carly," I begin "I don't care about your past I love you for your present, for who you are. your an amazing beautiful strong girl and I don't want to lose you. I want you to be mine, so Carly will you be my girlfriend?" I say this in all honesty

"Yes" she says smiling profusely

I kiss her again longer and more passionately this time. we pull apart and rest our foreheads together.

"I love you" I whisper to her

"I love you too" she says

~Carly's POV~

*back at the orphanage*

After Josh dropped me off I felt like I was floating on clouds. I couldn't stop smiling 'so this is what it feels like to be loved' I think. These moments are so rare in my life that I like to dwell in them forever. so I sneak up to my room, still avoiding interaction with Rene, and put my head phones on and blast the music on my phone and dance around my room making a total fool out of myself. but do I care. no. because for once I'm happy in life and no one can take that away from me.

The song that plays is "Roar" by Katty Perry. the song is perfectly describing how I feel right now I sing along to the words not caring who hears me (and my singing voice isn't half bad so I don't mind;)

"I got the eye of tiger the the fire! dancing through the fire! cause I am champion and your ganna hear me roarrr louder, louder than I lion cause I am a champion and your ganna hear me roarrr!"

I sing the words in perfect sync with the song until I hear a knock at my door. I pause my music take off the headphones and walk over and open the door to see Xander standing at my door.

"Hey Carly! what's with the happy singing?" he says as I motion for him to come in

I tell him all that had happened with josh and I and the expression on his face is happy for me yet shocked

"Wow Car," that's his nickname for me, Car. " that's- ahh that's amazing I'm happy for you!" he says

"Thanks!" I say

"Alright I have to go make sure Kayla's okay I'll see you later" he says walking out the door

" yah see you"

And with that he is gone

~Xander's POV~

I didn't actually have to check on Kay she was already asleep. I just couldn't stand another moment listening the girl I love talk about another guy.

I can't believe it. I feel crushed. I lost my opportunity to go after her. what was I thinking of course someone would come by and just sweep her up I mean look at her she is perfect. I just wish I had gone with my gut and asked her out, because now I lost her...



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