Crazy idea

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Carly's POV

~two weeks later~

Josh has been home for two weeks now and things have pretty much gone back to normal. Josh got a roll in the movie "detention" he is also the executive producer for the movie and he will start filming next week. Connor is back in school, Michele and Chris are back at work, but Kayla Xander and I are still waiting anxiously until Xander and I turn 18 so we can leave the orphanage.

Xander told me since he will be 18 he can legally take care of Kayla and even though he wanted her to grow up with a mom and a dad he doesn't think it's likely to happen so he plans on taking her with him when he leaves.

I on the other hand don't really have a plan for once I turn 18. I really want to move in with josh, because when I with him he fills the void in my life where drugs and alcohol were. I haven't drank since the party and have not done drugs since josh caught me high. trust me just quitting so quickly isn't easy at all.

Josh's family has become my family too. I'm close to all of them! Connor picks on me like a brother would, Michele and I go to the mall together, and Chris is always there for me and josh even though he is my boyfriend he is like a brother too. it makes me wish I had a family of my own...

I'm on my way to Josh's house now because I really need to talk to him.

"Hello?!" I yell as I walk into Josh's house

"I'm in the kitchen!" Michele yells to me

I walk through the house until I get to the kitchen

"Oh hey babe girl what's up?" she says while working hardly making dinner

"Hey I was just looking for josh" I say

"I think he is up in his room" she says

"Okay thanks!"

I run up the stairs and find josh in his room which no shirt on putting on his back brace sitting on his bed.

"Hey" I say as I walk in

He looks up "oh hey Carly" he says "what's up?" he asks putting his shirt back on

I go over and sit next to him on the bed

"Well, what if I told you I wanted to do something crazy?" I ask

"What is it?"

"I ahh I want to find my parents." I spit out before I can stop myself


"I want to find my parents."

"Why? I mean you never even want to talk about them and now you want to go out and find them?"

"I know but after spending all this time with you family I want to give them a second chance to see if they changed because I got a second chance so they should too."

"Are you sure about this?"

"Yes I mean I want to at least see them I've never even seen a picture of them!"

"How are we going to find them?"

"Wait you said we? does that mean you'll help me!"

"Of course I'll help you I'm going to be bust filming but I'll do all I can"

"Oh thank you josh!" I say throwing my arms around his neck

"Haha your welcome" he says and I let go of his neck "so how are we going to find them"

"Well the only place that would know my parents name is the hospital and the only place I can find out what hospital I was in is my first orphanage and the only way to find out what orphanage that was is to take my file from Rene's office."

(I know this isn't the actually to find someone but it's crucial to the plot)

"Okay let's do it!" He say smiling at me " but How are we going to get the file?"

"When I turn 18 and leave I'll take it." I say

"Sounds like a plan!" he says

"Oh and could I stay here for a little while when I turn 18?"

"Of course you can! You can stay for however long you want to! my family loves you."

"Haha thanks" I say


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