Faling for him

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I waited outside of the apartment for josh sitting on a small bench. it's five until seven 'boys' I think to myself 'never are on time for anything.' I waited about 7 more minutes until I heard someone say,

"Hey there stranger"

I look up to see josh in jeans and nice tee shirt an another hat and a pair of sunglasses

"Hey" I say

"Why aren't you inside?"

"It's seven o three your late" I say getting up off the bench

"I know I'm sorry got caught up at a directors office."

"It's ok I don't really care" I say shrugging it off

"Hey, what happened to your cheek?" josh asks with a worried tone of voice

"Umm it's nothing." I say avoiding the topic

"Here, let me see it-" he says starting the take of a bandage

"No!" I say jerking away from him "no, I'm fine it's just a couple scratches, don't worry." I say securing the bandage back on my face

"I'm sorry, I-I just wanted to help." he says rubbing my arm

"I know I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you."

"It's alright, are you sure your ok?"

"Yes I'm sure it's just a few scratches no big deal."

"Ok, so what do you want to do?"

"Um do you just want to go for a walk?"

"Yah sure!"

We walk around town just to talk to each other

"So where are you from?" he asks me

"Here, I have lived here my whole life. what about you?"

"I was born in Kentucky, but moved here when I was ten."

"Why would you go from Kentucky to LA?"

"I finally convinced my mother to let me act."

"Oh well, your mom sounds great." I say looking up at his hazel eyes, longing for any family at all

"Why do you say that?"

"It just seems like any mother who would move her family cross the country for one of her kids would be amazing."

"I guess your right." he says flashing his perfect white smile at me

"What's your mom like?" he asks. this makes me want to scream not at him at whatever witch gave me up but instead I say,

"Umm she is ok, but I know one thing. she would never move across the country for me."

"Well, she can't be that bad, judging by you."

"Haha thanks, so what else don't I know about you?"

"Umm nothing I have told you everything. is there anything I don't know about you?"

"Nope" I lie to him he can't I so what I am really like

"Well, I'm glad! oh and I almost forgot, here this is for you" he takes a new I phone 4 out of his pocket and hands it to me

"Oh no josh I can't-"

"No please take it, so we can talk to each other and besides I already synced it and got you service, just please take it." he says looking into my eyes, 'gosh he is wonderful.' 'no Carly stop he doesn't like you and you don't like him! I take from his hand

"Thank you, butt you know your going to have to show me how to use this now." I say

"Haha I think I'll be ok with that, but I have to get going home." he says stoping I front of the apartment

"Ok. thank you for tonight josh I really had fun." I say looking into his amazing eyes 'why do I keep doing this staring into his perfect hazel eyes- no Carly stop it!' I yell in my head at myself

"I'm glad, I did too. Remember to text me ok?" he says winking at me

"Ok I will, goodbye josh."

"Bye Carly."

And with that he leaves and I go back to the orphanage fiddling with the phone josh got me. why can't I stop thinking about him! good thing propel couldn't read minds because josh would probably be freaked our at how much I think about him. I soon realize the pit is back in my stomach now that josh is gone and I now know why...I am falling in love with josh Hutcherson.

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