The new guy

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I started to walk home from Josh's he offered to drive me but I told him Rene would see me if he did. it's about 10am so the devil(Rene) is probably lurking the area of the orphanage. I really wish my room wasn't on the second floor because then I could just go in and out the window, but unfortunately I'm on the second floor and there isn't one tree even close to my widow that I could climb. So my only choice is to sneak in the froth door and go up the stairs fast enough so Rene won't know.

I make it to the orphanage and go to the front door. I slowly and cautiously open the door. it quietly creeks as a turn the knob and push it open. I slid in the door and again close it slowly. I look around, no one seamed to be around. I start to walk slowly liking all around to make sure no one was around. as I was walking a ran into what felt like a wall

"Ow." I whisper rubbing my forehead. I look up to see a blonde, skinny, guy, standing I front of me

"Are you ok?" he asks not trying to be quiet at all

"Shhh! I'm fine." I whisper

"Why are you whispering?" he says again not trying to be quiet.

I push him up against the wall and hold my hand to his mouth. his blue eyes were full of shock.

"Do you want the devil to bite our heads off!?" I say I a loud whisper

He looks at me questioningly

"Uhg, Rene" I say explaining to him who I meant by the devil

"Ok, I'll take my hand away if you follow me and don't say even one word."

He nods in agreement and I take my hand away from his mouth. I motion for him to follow me up the steps and he does. I open the door to my room and he walks in and I follow closing and locking the door behind us.

"Ok, again why were you whispering?" he asks as i walk toward him

"Your new here, aren't you?" I ask because I knew if he had been here for any length of time he would know Rene and everyone else hates me

"Yah just got here today. what does it matter?"

"If you have been here any length of time you would know that Rene has this strange hate for me."


"I stay out late, don't really submit to her authority and everyone thinks I'm a freak."

"Why do they think your a freak?"

"When I was younger I had to always be on oxygen, and I didn't talk to anyone"


"Yah and I didn't come home last night so Rene probably wants my head." I say as we both sit down on my bed

He laughs slightly "well I'm Xander." he says putting his hand out to me."

I shake it slightly "I'm Carly, so why are you here?"

"My sister and I were abandoned."

"I'm sorry. who is your sister?"

"Her name is Kayla she is 5"

"Is she here too?"

"Yah we share a room."

"How old are you?"

"15 almost 16."

I nod

"Is it really that bad here?"

I shrug "not for everyone."

"So why are you here?"

I sigh at the question. I guess I can tell him he seams nice enough and I don't think he'll run we both have crapy lives.

"I was born 4 months premature and i wasn't suppose to live and my parents were scared so they gave me up. I was moved from home to home, but no one wanted me so I got put here when I was 7 and have been here ever since."

"I'm sorry, that sucks"

"Yah, it does."

"Well, if you ever need me I'm just 4 doors down." he has getting up and starting to open the door

" Thanks Xander"

"Your welcome" he says and walks out

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